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FM 2016 FLUT skin v2.3

A skin for the regular career mode of Football Manager 2016. Version 2.3 released on 29 August 2016.

By Updated on Aug 29, 2016   964549 views   263 comments
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Downloads: 41094 / Size: 87.3 MB / Added: 2015-11-06
FM 2016 Skins - FM 2016 FLUT skin v2.3
FM 2016 FLUT skin v2.3
Skin for FM 2016 regular career mode and widescreens (1920x1080).

Well, I know I said that the version 2.2 of FlutSkin was the last version for this season (FM16). However, I already should know that the edition of a skin is a “never ending story”…..
Thus, I'm pleased to present you the version 2.3 of FLUTSkin White for FM16.

Once again, thanks to all FM fans and especially to all of the fantastic FM skinners who contribute a lot to produce the FLUTSkin as it is today since FM 2013.

This skin is compatible with DF11, Scope and Cutout Faces

Released: 29 August, 2016

Resolution requirements
This skin was made to work properly in 1920x1080 full screen mode. As a result, some panels won’t work properly in other resolutions (and also in 1920x1080 windowed mode).

The changes (some of them are just minor changes) in this version are in the following panels:
  • Stadium Overview Panel
  • Game Processing
  • Calendar Popup Panel
  • Club General Panel
  • Nation General Panel
  • Team Report Panel
  • Manager Home Panel


1. In this pack I included a TUTORIAL PDF with instructions regarding the structure of your Graphics folder in order to view the citypics, the kits and the competition logos in player details and in title bar.

2. I also included a folder with the files you need to use in order to remove the attributes background boxes (you just have to place the files of that folder in the panels folder of the skin and overwrite the originals).

You can download the FOOTBALL MANAGER BACKGROUNDS SUPERPACK or the City Pics MEGAPACK v4.0 to further enhance the skin.

FM16 Flut skin Preview

How to add Flut Skin in FM16

  1. Download and extract the .rar file (using either 7-Zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for Mac).

  2. Place the "fm2016flutskin" folder here:
    Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2016\skins
    Create the folder "skins" if it doesn't exist.

  3. Start FM16 and go to Preferences screen and then into the Interface tab.
    You should see FM 2016 Flut Skin - v. 2.3 as option in the skin drop down of the Overview box.
    Hit the Confirm button.

Please note this skin is provided as is. It has nothing to do with Sports Interactive or SEGA and won't be supported by them.

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Downloads: 41094 / Size: 87.3 MB / Added: 2015-11-06
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Discussion: FM 2016 FLUT skin v2.3

263 comments have been posted so far.

  • Flut's avatar
    Hi TheCed: the first issue I've already noticed. I tried to solve it but without success. Concerning the secon one, could you please put a screenshot?
  • TheCed's avatar

    I am experiencing few bugs due to the presence of the flags pictures that come with the skin. They are in fact used on club overviews and that's pretty cool, but sometimes on messages I receive about national teams, I see these pictures instead of the default flags that should be used in this case. Also, on national teams games, those pictures are displayed on the scoreboard instead of the normal ones which are more appropiate.

    Do you have an issue to correct this? I can try getting some shots about it to show you if you need it.
  • Flut's avatar
    Hi waltencyr: could you plaese send me screenshots with your questions/suggestions?
  • Waltencyr's avatar
    flut!! tem como colocar a foto da pessoa que esta saindo e aumentar os caracteres. isso tudo na tela de empregos.
  • Flut's avatar
    olá waltencyr: podes colocar screenshots, por favor?
  • Waltencyr's avatar
    could flut. in the post game screens enhance the photo field. disproportionate reason to placeholder. the same screens above and in the first game screen. on the second screen is normal. the logos of the selections do not appear normal, but the one you use on the screens of the teams. It is kind of weird.

    poderia flut. na telas de pós jogo aumentar a foto do campo. motivo desproporcional ao espaço reservado. nas mesmas telas acima e na primeira tela do jogo. na segunda tela está normal. os logos das seleções não aparecem normal e sim aquele que você usa nas telas das equipes. fica meio estranho.
  • Flut's avatar
    Hi valeron: in fact that white box (or box with other colour) is necessary because in cut out faces, the player picture is larger than the circle and is shown behind the circle (that's why I never included it in the dark skin). So it is necessary an opaque box. When I included transparency in the skin I thought to remove this option of player picture but I didn't do it because some people could use it anyway.
  • Valeron's avatar
    Hi Flut, thanks for the update again. There seems to be a white box around the player faces now, which contrasts against the blue background. I'm hoping this was not your intention :-) Is there any way I can fix this, and/or will there be an update addressing this issue? See my screenshot: Keep up the good work!
  • Flut's avatar
    thanks waltencyr :-)

    Hi anuragivek93: thanks. In the folder graphics/boxes/news, you have a folder named "alts". Inside of that folder you can choose one of the files change the name for "paper" and replace the original tranaparent.
  • anuragvivek93's avatar
    A very nice skin with transparent backgrounds. Just one thing.. why is the news screen also transparent? Its quite hard to read with the transparency on in there.
  • Waltencyr's avatar
    consegui!! reiniciei o computador. agora sim vejo a beleza que ficou a skin. sempre renovando com coisas legais. surpreenda-nos sempre. valeu!!!
  • Flut's avatar
    Hi herrera: DOWNLOAD

    Hi Waltencyr: I couldnt saw your screenshot...

    Hi TheCed: you can delete the code for those graphics in the titlebar.xml
  • TheCed's avatar

    Thanks for the update. How can I remove everything that's added on the titlebar? The graphics that aren't there usually (competition logo, kit, logos, face).
  • Waltencyr's avatar
  • Waltencyr's avatar
    a minha skin não consegue ficar com a mesma face da foto publicada.
    my skin can not stay with the same face of the published photo.
    the photo of the stadium and key employees not appears.
  • Herrera's avatar
    thx for the amazing skin flut

    can you just update the link with the "black" sidebar. mega tells me it isnt availble anymore
  • Doddo04's avatar
    with the dark version it works
  • Doddo04's avatar
    sorry flut
    i have know reinstalled the fm have cleared the cache complettly and put only flut2.0 in the skinfolder, restarted the game and there is no transperency on club overview player overview. At the stadium overview it works, i dont know whats wrong
  • Flut's avatar
    Hi doddo: It's weird..I think maybe there is a conflict with other skin...Try to clean the cache again, keep only the skin in the skin folders and reload the game....
  • Doddo04's avatar
    I dont know what goes wrong but by me it not shows the backgrounds there is no transparentz. I have clearedcache and startet the game new dont goes look at the screen.
  • Flut's avatar
    Hi rekoshooter: I will release it today. Please be patient :-)
  • Rekoshooter's avatar
    Hi. What about the dark version of this skin?
  • Flut's avatar
    Hi kingalex I don't remember for now, but I will try to remember.
    Hi tanboss: sorry but I didn't understand your post. Could you please explain a little bit more?
  • tanboss's avatar
    it would be very helpful if U add your document folder with all folder editing(no need to add your patches or files) only folder
  • kingalexk's avatar
    Hi Flut, I download and applied sidebar file that you mention to Herrera and it worked. But it didn's worked for the titlebar, How can i change the titlebar to black ?

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