You don't have to start a new saved-game for this to work.
Support for ALL languages.
An fmscout.com EXCLUSIVE
Last Updated: 19 November
- All playable clubs names from all continents
- All major leagues names
- All non-playable Europe Top Leagues club names
- Almost all minor leagues names
- All Continental, National and National Cups names

If you find some error in translation/names or want me to fix other club/league/competition name, please send me an e-mail with corrected name.
Contact e-mail: [email protected]
How to fix fake club and competition names in FM16
- Quit the game.
- IMPORTANT: Delete all files in these folder:
\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Football Manager 2016\data\db\1600\lnc\all
\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Football Manager 2016\data\db\1601\lnc\all
\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Football Manager 2016\data\db\1630\lnc\all
Macintosh HD/Users/"your computers name"/Library/Application Support/Steam/Steam Apps/common/Football Manager 16/data/db/1600/lnc
Macintosh HD/Users/"your computers name"/Library/Application Support/Steam/Steam Apps/common/Football Manager 16/data/db/1601/lnc
- Place "Daniel FM16 Fix.lnc" and "Daniel FM16 Club Names.lnc" to these folders.
Alternatively you could use "Daniel FM16 Club Names FC Version.lnc" instead of "Daniel FM16 Club Names.lnc" in case you prefer clubs having FC added to their name. - Run the game with real names.
Macintosh HD/Users/"your computers name"/Library/Application Support/Steam/Steam Apps/common/Football Manager 16/data/db/1630/lnc
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Discussion: Football Manager 2016 Real Names License Fix
79 comments have been posted so far.
@hazzz @tasanhalas: You must be doing something wrong then because it works for me every time. I'll try to make the instructions easier to follow by adding screenshots.
Any ideas?
Dont know why, but its ok now. heheheh
What can i do, to fix it?
Turkish characters like ı,ğ,ş isn't displayed correctly. So most Turkish Club names are incorrect.
I can a mistake with some of the danish teams, like FC Vestsjælland, FC Helsingør, HB Køge, FC København, Brøndby IF, FC Nordsjælland and Sønderjyske.. It's the danish Æ,Ø and Å thats the problem.