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Football Manager 2016 Real Names License Fix

Daniel's real names fix for FM16. Updated competitions, clubs and awards with their real names to use with Football Manager 2016. Works with your current saved-games.

By Updated on Nov 19, 2015   556862 views   79 comments
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Downloads: 184635 / Size: 182.0 kB / Added: 2015-11-01
FM 2016 Data Updates - Football Manager 2016 Real Names License Fix
Welcome to Daniel's Real Names License Fix for Football Manager 2016.
You don't have to start a new saved-game for this to work.
Support for ALL languages.


Last Updated: 19 November

  • All playable clubs names from all continents
  • All major leagues names
  • All non-playable Europe Top Leagues club names
  • Almost all minor leagues names
  • All Continental, National and National Cups names

If you find some error in translation/names or want me to fix other club/league/competition name, please send me an e-mail with corrected name.
Contact e-mail: [email protected]

How to fix fake club and competition names in FM16

  1. Quit the game.

  2. IMPORTANT: Delete all files in these folder:
    \Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Football Manager 2016\data\db\1600\lnc\all
    \Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Football Manager 2016\data\db\1601\lnc\all
    \Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Football Manager 2016\data\db\1630\lnc\all
    Macintosh HD/Users/"your computers name"/Library/Application Support/Steam/Steam Apps/common/Football Manager 16/data/db/1600/lnc
    Macintosh HD/Users/"your computers name"/Library/Application Support/Steam/Steam Apps/common/Football Manager 16/data/db/1601/lnc
  3. Macintosh HD/Users/"your computers name"/Library/Application Support/Steam/Steam Apps/common/Football Manager 16/data/db/1630/lnc

  4. Place "Daniel FM16 Fix.lnc" and "Daniel FM16 Club Names.lnc" to these folders.
    Alternatively you could use "Daniel FM16 Club Names FC Version.lnc" instead of "Daniel FM16 Club Names.lnc" in case you prefer clubs having FC added to their name.

  5. Run the game with real names.

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Downloads: 184635 / Size: 182.0 kB / Added: 2015-11-01
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Discussion: Football Manager 2016 Real Names License Fix

79 comments have been posted so far.

  • Stam's avatar
    Hey guys, I've released a quick update to fix some typos (AvaiFC, Dynamo Kyyiv and few others) and shorten some club names. I didn't have time to go through all 6k lines of the file, but will do it eventually. I only edited the "Daniel FM16 Club Names.lnc" file and nothing else for now.
    To use the new version, simply replace that file inside the data\db\1601\lnc\all folder.

    @Bechii: Thanks for reporting, I'll fix them for next update. Let me know if you spot any other problems.
    Kits are irrelevant to this fix, it has to be an issue with the kit pack.

    @TricolorCarioca: Fixed it in v1.93, please grab newest version and check if it's OK.

    @Bearded_Shrimper: You need to repeat the same process (delete fake files and copy the fixes) to all update folders. So far this means /db/1600/lnc and /db/1601/lnc
    Then just go to Start screen and load your save again.

    @mcbn: This might be a problem with the file's encoding, but whatever encoding I try it doesn't work properly. So I just replaced the special ə character with the latin a.

    @tomthebodz: Search for your Steam folder and let me know the path. I don't currently have a Mac computer to check.
  • Bechii's avatar
    I can see the danish 1 & 2. division is wrong. it's now Bet25 liga and Kanal sport divisonen. plz follow link. -

    One other thing - some kits won't work, is that because of the new names the clubs are giving or simply because there is a mistake in the kit pack. ex Vendsyssel and Stømsgodset is a problem.
  • TricolorCarioca's avatar
    Bug founded in Avai on Brazil, the name in the game it's AvaiFC.
  • Bearded_Shrimper's avatar
    i put the longer names version in and now i can't get the shorter version. any tips?
    i've deleted everything i put in the folders and pasted the new files in again
  • mcbn's avatar
    i can see some mistakes when you go with the FC version .. Qäbälä and Anzhí and some other teams from the eastern europe countries have question marks and exclamation point in there names instead of letters
  • tomthebodz's avatar
    Followed the instructions, there is no file "Macintosh HD/Users/"your computers name"/Library/Application Support/Steam/Steam Apps/common/Football Manager 16/data/db/1601/lnc"
    Could you please update, or is this just for the Beta version
  • andresh88's avatar
    @stam do not go with the game out today ... it is only for the BETA version ??
  • Stam's avatar
    @andresh88: It's not the final version of this fix, we'll keep improving it. As stated above you don't have to start a new save.

    @AK78: You need to repeat the process for 2 folders. One is 1600 and the other is 1601.

    @Dymond: I will. Next update on Sunday hopefully.
  • andresh88's avatar
    the final version ??? I also have to start a new game ??
  • AK78's avatar
    Didn't work for me ,it still says "English first division" any clues please??
  • Dymond's avatar
    Could you please correct the names of the English 5th and 6th tiers as they have changed from Vanarama Conference to Vanarama National League. Thanks
  • Stam's avatar
    @CalvinSingh01: I don't understand. Nobody else uploaded any versions of this file as far as I know. At any case, I'll be working on an update myself over the weekend.
  • CalvinSingh01's avatar
    @Stam: I mean the first one Daz uploaded. Shall i remove it before replacing it with this one?
  • Stam's avatar
    @China24: Yes, when deleting the fake files it will fix the national teams for Germany and Japan. However, you need to start a new save for this to take effect.

    @CalvinSingh01: There's no other version from few days ago?
  • China24's avatar
    This version fix the nationl team of german and japan?
  • CalvinSingh01's avatar
    I have the older version of this that you uploaded a few days ago, shall I delete that one before downloading this one?
  • burts11's avatar
    Thanks, and thanks for all the good work making an amazing game even better!
  • Stam's avatar
    @burts11: Not yet. If you have the last version from previous year, it's the latest one. Eventually we'll release an update.
  • burts11's avatar
    I've already installed this, but last years version. Are there any differences?
  • Stam's avatar
    @gate13: What do you mean? There's no pre-game editor for FM16 yet, so we're waiting for that to start sharing custom databases. Because while some custom leagues made for FM15 might still work in the FM16 Beta, once the final version is out they'll stop working so there's no point adding anything until the proper editor is out.

    @RichardManuel: I know, but downloadkct only wanted to fix competition names.

    It's possible to create an updated file that changes wrong/unlicensed club names, but Daniel (original author of this project) is vanished for the time being and I don't currently have time to invest in this. If he's still missing after a week and I can make some time, then I'll give it a go. In the meantime, anyone could try editing the file using a simple text editor.
  • gate13's avatar
    Will you be doing the custom leagues as well for FM16?
  • RichardManuel's avatar
    If you remove the Club Names file the names go back with "Borussia Mönchengladbach" becoming "BMG" and so on.

    Is it possible to create a file that changes only those names that are wrong/unlicensed?

    Other examples are "FCP" instead of "Porto". There is no need to change the other names that are correct.
  • Stam's avatar
    I haven't talked to Daniel yet, will email him now. If he doesn't have time to update the names, perhaps I could continue his work.

    @downloadkct: Only use "Daniel FM16 Fix.lnc" and not the other file with Club Names.
  • downloadkct's avatar
    Lol the team names is incredibly huge o.o
    How to use only competition fix ?

    BTW great fix D:
  • Messy's avatar
    I back that club names are way too long.
    Fytbolnyi Klub Zenit Sankt-Petersburg shoul be either Sankt-Peterburg (no "S", juas a transliteration) or Saint-Petersburg (name of the city in English) but thats too long anyway.

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