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UEFA Leagues for FM24 by MasterIgor v24.5

Leagues and cups in real formats for all missing member federations of the UEFA (Europe). (for Official 24.3.0 Database only)

By Updated on Sep 25, 2024   61227 views   80 comments
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Football Manager 2024 League Updates - UEFA Leagues for FM24 by MasterIgor v24.5
Hello everyone,

here is the league pack for nations/federations in Europe.

! for Official 24.3.0 Update Database only !
Creating the world is a very time consuming task, and I do not have the time to support and test all databases. So I am going with the latest version only. The bright side is that it is for free. Tips are more than welcome though :-)

This file contains leagues and cups in real formats for the missing member federations of UEFA as well as some lower tiers for existing members.

please see the readme.html for details.

- Germany (GER): Fixed Verbandspokale. They now run every year and with correct teams.
- Ukraine (UKR): removed affiliation from Kudrivka which was blocking promotion
- added lower leagues for: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Switzerland, Slovenia, Turkey and Ukraine
- Kazachstan (KAZ): added League Cup
- Armenia (ARM): added 2nd tier
- Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH): Fixed qualification to Bosnian Cup - best 8 teams from both 2nd tier leagues qualify. Also added variable relegation
- Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH): Fixed prize money (was 1 zero too much)
- Montenegro (MNE): Fixed season dates causing a crash
- San Marino (SMR): Fixed (added correct) history entry for the league
- Faroer (FRO): Scandinavians are no longer concidered foreigners
- Many Nations: set professional status for most top tiers to prevent teams going semi-professional

I would like to thank:
- Nuno from Portugal for research and testing
- Lars for testing and feedback
- DaveIncid for testing and advice

I wish you a lot of success in your managerial adventures in Europe.

Master Igor.

(other packs: here is an overview)

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Downloads: 13154 / Size: 446.4 kB / Added: 2024-04-19
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Discussion: UEFA Leagues for FM24 by MasterIgor v24.5

80 comments have been posted so far.

  • plackojad's avatar
    Some problems with German local cups:
    1. Teams from 6-th division don't appear. It's because you used "Germany Level 6" but not "German Lower Division".
    2. They don't appear at all after first season. It's because of those "divided" cups where you put teams by using group (not league) stages.
  • AiZaK's avatar
    Perfect, thanks for your amazing work!!!
  • MasterIgor's avatar
    sorry I was sick a few days. I am updating CONCACAF and doing the intercontinental cup.
  • AiZaK's avatar
    Hi MasterIgor, Are you going to do or fix any archive more??
  • MasterIgor's avatar
    @boscolam1234: This is part of my variable relegation concept based on real life. In Germany for example, there are 4 teams going down from 3. Liga to Regionalliga. Relegation from a single Regionalliga can therefore be from 1 team (if no team from that region relegates from 3. Liga) to up to 5 teams (if all 4 relegated teams from 3. Liga are from that region). Therefore in Regionalliga there is a Relegation Zone of 5 teams. It's not really a playoff but a zone where relegation is possible depending on what happens in the tier above it.
    This is how I implemented it. There are more countries where this concept is used.
  • boscolam1234's avatar
    Why is German regionaliga and Serbian 2nd league have relegation playoffs which is never shown played
  • MasterIgor's avatar
    @kakii18: I do not know of any Liechtenstein league. Clubs play in the Swiss League as guest teams.
  • kakii18's avatar
    Hi! Can you tell me is that any chance for Liechtenstein league? There is a little league there :)
  • CieWolf1970's avatar
    @MasterIgor Good news! Will your update also include the FIFA Intercontinental Cup?
  • MasterIgor's avatar
    hello, all countries which I wanted to extend are finished and I am in the final testing phase.
    I have not had too much time to work on the rules, but slowly also gets there..
  • Solus11157's avatar
    Hi, MasterIgor, how is your work going? many countries left to do?
    Big thanks for all your updates)
  • MasterIgor's avatar
    @dek: I made a mistake in my research, thinking the Bosnian Cup was only for BiH Federation teams in the 2nd tier. I am making changes to BIH, and have also done the change from 12 to 10 teams in the premier league for 2025 onwards.

    @Rikaiu: I could not see anything wrong in the Cyprus file (in the editor), but I will investigate in the game to see if I can reproduce the problem.
  • dek's avatar
    Cup in Bosnia has only teams from one second division (FBIH) a not from the other (RS), they didnt enter the competition at all.
  • Rikaiu's avatar
    Why does Cyprus send no teams to europe after 1st season?
  • MasterIgor's avatar
    When doing the last country in Europe, I found a design flaw for variable relegation. So I have to find a solution and repair a lot of countries. (this is only for the expanded lower leagues which are not released yet).
    So, UEFA will only be ready by the end of August. It will also be the last bigger update that I do.
  • MasterIgor's avatar
    @Veerman: what do you mean with the careers history? I don't understand what you mean exactly.
    as for netherlands, I have added tweede & derde divisie, but promotion between keuken kampioen divisie and tweede can only happen for a B team in certain circumstances.

    In fact, for an overall report, I have finished all countries I wanted to do, except for Belgium. Belgium is splitting the 3rd tier in 2 divisions and promotion/relegation is hell, this is taking time to do but I am stubborn so I will do it.
  • Keneth Veerman's avatar
    Loves this database but the careers history is gone in 2032, only from 2024 that available. and it would be lovely if you add lower Dutch database
  • MasterIgor's avatar
    @wonbrz: not really, I hope before the end of this month though. I have been editing AFC the past week because I am adding the continental cups for Asia. For Europe I have finished Serbia, so it's still a few nations to go.
  • wonbrz's avatar
    Hi MasterIgor, do you know approximately when the next update will be? Thanks for everything you did and made these leagues more realistic, which were not playable and previously lacked a lot of real rules for these competitions. Greetings from Poland
  • MasterIgor's avatar
    @AiZaK: more than I liked.. I wanted to finish before EURO 2024 but I still have a lot left. The european lower leagues are often complex with regional subleagues and B Teams and changing formats.
    I am doing it alphabetically and am currently doing Russia, so there are about 8-10 nations left to check and do.
  • AiZaK's avatar
    MasterIgor How many countries do you have left to check?
  • MasterIgor's avatar
    @CieWolf: Ireland is in the game with 2 tiers. There is no relegation to the 3rd tier which are national county leagues. I have decided to not extend Ireland.
    As for Sweden, I have not yet reached Sweden yet but I believe there are already 4 tiers or so in the game so it's unlikely that I will do it.
    I usually decide not to add further leagues when there is no promotion/relegation or too many subleagues. I made an exception for Netherlands where I added tiers 3 and 4 because Netherlands is a well-ranked nation.
  • CieWolf1970's avatar
    Will you be adding ireland and sweden as well?
  • Eltarian's avatar
    Thanks, I appreciate it!
  • MasterIgor's avatar
    @AiZaK: no not all, finctional youth leagues are mostly added only for the top leagues.

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