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Just Classic & Just Attributeless

a Dark skin with a twist of colour and adaptability.

By Updated on Jan 18, 2025   452759 views   267 comments
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Downloads: 102225 / Size: 24.0 MB / Added: 2023-10-20
Football Manager 2024 Skins - Just Classic & Just Attributeless

Just 24

  • Play Your Way! Choose from two skin options: Just Classic (with attributes displayed) or Just Attributeless (attributes shown as coloured circles).
  • Massive Overhaul: Most in-game screens have been redesigned. If you're not a fan of a particular change, check the MODS folder for popular alternatives.
  • Built-In Custom Views: Simplified navigation through numerous customized panels.
  • Unique Background Selector: Personalize your experience by replacing any background image. Simply choose an image at a suitable resolution and replace one of the pictures in the \graphics\backgrounds folder with your chosen file.

This skin is optimized for a resolution of 1920x1080. While most elements are designed to scale with other resolutions, I cannot guarantee optimal performance at other resolutions. I will no longer be addressing requests for resolution-specific fixes, as these changes could negatively impact users with different setups. Instead, I recommend adjusting your Windows scaling, modifying the in-game zoom settings, or, if you're an NVIDIA user, using the NVIDIA Control Panel to tweak your DSR settings.

Club Overview

Nation Overview

Player - Attributeless

Player - Attributes


Competition Overview


Match Day



These skins is free to use but I have put in over a 1000 hours to bring you the Just should you be so inclined please feel free to send me a coffee

Change Log

This extensive changelog outlines numerous updates, fixes, and enhancements made to the skin over time. Here’s a concise summary:
Major Updates:
Redesigns of key panels (e.g., injury news, training, scouting, social media, match panels).
New features like a background selector, custom views, analytics tab, and more informative player profiles.
Attributeless and Classic modes now align with updates neglected in previous patches.
Quality of Life (QoL) Improvements:
Numerous fixes for functionality, scaling, and colour schemes.
Enhanced UI elements like status icons, calendar fixes, and dropdown improvements.
Reduction in file size for better performance.
Cosmetic Changes:
Overhauls of graphical elements, including alignment fixes, colour tweaks, and animations.
Better support for smaller resolutions and various colour schemes.
Modifications for Customization:
MOD files updated with popular requests and instructions for attribute box customizations.
Easier integration of custom backgrounds and elements.
General Fixes:
Corrections for bugs, missing files, and redundant elements.


Thank you to all the creators out there for your continued work! I can't fit you all in here but without these guys this wouldn't have been possible!
GIMN & Mustermann Skin: Your support, encouragement, and suggestions have been invaluable thank you for the nudge to make this happen! All 1125 hours were worth it.
Keysi: For the club finances snapshot.
bluestillidie00: Thanks for the amazing WTCS5 skin, the use of some panels, and the incredible support on Twitter it truly made my week!
_ben_: Appreciation for the incredible Statman skin, panel contributions, and occasional advice.
Wozzie: For the stunning Tato skin, which I analysed for weeks/months, along with the use of its panels.
FME Skin: For panels incorporated into this project.
Groot: For the inspiring Electric Panther skin, the brilliant colour palette, and panels that motivated me.
michaeltmurrayuk: Your threads, blog, and skin have been an indispensable resource thank you!
snowofman: For your help in the early days, your ongoing support in the forums, and your generosity in assisting not just me, but everyone.
Olas Nick: For inspiring updates to many otherwise bland items.
Thank you all for your contributions and inspiration this project wouldn’t have been possible without you!

This skin is free to use and may not be sold or placed behind a paywall.
If you plan to use anything from this for your own release, please ensure that proper credit is given to the individuals mentioned above, as much of the groundwork is their effort. I merely combined some elements, adjusted colours, and added a few of my own personal touches.

To install / update the skin download the rar file, remove any old versions of the skin you may have and drag the Just 24 folder into your sports interactive/football manager 24/skins folder

Find me on Twitter here.

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Downloads: 102225 / Size: 24.0 MB / Added: 2023-10-20
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Discussion: Just Classic & Just Attributeless

267 comments have been posted so far.

  • Phildw's avatar
    Oh right do you mean that the box colour is automatically picked up from the main colour of the team you are managing? If so that's pretty cool and I will leave it at that. Thanks mate keep up the great work.
  • Justhowie's avatar
    @Phildw alternatively try the full black background and change the transparency to 80%
  • Justhowie's avatar
    @PhildwI went for teamsprimary colours to move away from the purple. it's this or grey which is rather dull. I opted for some colour over none. You can edit the graphics/boxes/main XMLs and remove the "primary" should you want to change it to something to your liking
  • Phildw's avatar
    oooh not keen on the red boxes around everything? Is there any way we can easily lose this and have the less intrusive purple or the same as your FM23 version please?
  • Cheetham90's avatar
    Brilliant, thank you.
  • Justhowie's avatar
    @Cheetham90 will have a look tonight I have a feeling it's my scaling being off
  • Cheetham90's avatar
    Brilliant Skin. On the city pics, it's only showing the top half of the city.Is it certain images or size that you use? I'm using the Sortitoutsi cities pack. Cheers
  • Nut24's avatar
    love this skin
  • serkanedabasar78's avatar
    The theme of the Xbox version is great, I wish it was made for PC too, it would be number one
  • Justhowie's avatar
    @hguy89 Thios should all be solved in today's update
    @infiltrator will take a look into this
  • Infiltrator's avatar
    When I tap a name in the inbox overview , the profile of that player does not open. In the beta I didn't have this problem with just skin
  • hguy89's avatar
    I think you still can't see your own coaching qualifications (there's an empty placeholder) or your reputation (sunday league footballer etc) on your own profile page (My Profile > Profile).

    Additionally, all staff have 5 stars reputation (on hover it always says "okay").

    Am I missing something?
  • Justhowie's avatar
    @greekHoper if you mean the attributes if you go to settings/Just settings.xml
    remove lines 259-262
    <!--Attributes etc-->
    <colour name="normal attribute" value="just1"/>
    <colour name="good attribute" value="just2"/>
    <colour name="excellent attribute" value="just3"/>

    should revert to default and you can change from the game's settings
  • GreekHoper's avatar
    finally a player panel view that i can live comfortable with it! GREAT WORK!

    Any chance that you can tell me how can i change this blue/purplish colour into somthing more neutral? Cause after 1-2 hours my eyes kinda hurt :/
  • Jamaicaman90's avatar
    I can see you've added visibility of third kits, which is great! Unfortunately it is adding them for all clubs, even those that don't have one - adding a blank white third shirt to the Club Info screen for those that only have two kits.
  • Justhowie's avatar
    @nut24 this should now be fixed
  • Justhowie's avatar
    @Nut24 how odd I will look into it, I am using the default attributes for this hopefully a simple fix
  • Nut24's avatar
    @Justhowie I check again but no have brother
  • Justhowie's avatar
    @Nut24 go to job role and select a job that has it will show up
  • Nut24's avatar
    in staff attrrib it no have analyzing data
  • Justhowie's avatar
    half time and full time review panels should be fixed now sorry about this oversight
  • Justhowie's avatar
    @RaixnQuinzo will look into this when I get home from work
  • RaixnQuinzo's avatar
    There's also a bug for FT/HT where all the graphics pop up at the same time and clusters entirely.

    Another one where if you're on international duty, it doesn't register in other teams playerfaces for some reason.
  • Koroshiya's avatar
    I hope there´s finally the condition and match sharpness in %; 90% of all skins use this, so I hope in this version it´s included.
  • RaixnQuinzo's avatar
    An update onto mine:

    The way you can do the 3 kits is instead of having the Club/Nation Badges side by side, you can do one above the other. Club badge above, nation below. Adds that extra slot then for the third kit?

    As for the scaling, its only on the player profile from what I have seen - scouting at the top and the country logo for player info are the 2 I've spotted.

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