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Just Classic & Just Skin Attributeless

a Dark skin with a twist of colour and adaptability.

By Updated on Sep 07, 2024   367471 views   230 comments
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Downloads: 82751 / Size: 15.8 MB / Added: 2023-10-20
Football Manager 2024 Skins - Just Classic & Just Skin Attributeless

Just 24

  • Play your way! Two skins available Just Classis (with attributes showing) or Just Attributeless (with attributes showing as coloured circles)
  • Massive overhaul of most in game screens, if you don't like a change checkout the MODS folder as many popular requests are available here.
  • Custom views built in for ease of use throughout the many customised panels.
  • Background selector available. To replace any of these with custom images simply find a picture you like (at a reasonable resolution) and replace one of the pictures located in \graphics\backgrounds with your own.

This skin is ideal for a resolution of 1920x1080 although most panels have been designed to scale with other resolutions in mind I cannot guarantee other resolutions used will be optimal. I will no longer be supporting requests for resolution fixes as will effect players at the other end of the resolution scale. Instead I would advise adjust your windows scaling or using the in-game settings to change the zoom settings or NVidia users to use it's native control panel to adjust their DSR settings.

These skins is free to use but I have put in over a 1000 hours to bring you the Just should you be so inclined please feel free to send me a coffee

Unless there's any glaring issues this is the skin lines final release for this cycle and potentially the last release as little is known about FM 25. A massive thank you to everyone who has helped me develop the Just skin line for the last two game cycles


Thank you to all the creators out there for your continued work! I can't fit you all in here but without these guys this wouldn't have been possible!
  • GIMN & Mustermann Skin Your support, help and suggestions are always valued! thank you for the nudge and getting me to go ahead with it all ...all 1125 hours
  • Keysi for the club finances snapshot.
  • bluestillidie00 and their amazing WTCS5 skin for the use of some of their panels, and the support on twitter (honestly made my week).
  • _ben_ and their amazing Statman skin for the use of panels, and occasional advice.
  • Wozzie for their beautiful and amazing Tato skin which I picked and pulled out for weeks / months and the use of panels.
  • FME Skin for some panels used.
  • Groot for their amazing Electric Panther skin and the beautiful colour pallet and panels that inspired me.
  • michaeltmurrayuk the amount of times I have opened one of your threads, Blog and your skin is unreal.
  • snowofman for alot of help both in the early days of me playing about with things and just being there on the forums not only for myself but everyone!
  • Olas nick for inspiration in updating many bland items

This skin is free to use and may not be sold or placed behind a paywall.
If you're planning on using anything from here for yourself in any release that alot of the leg work is due to the above and they should be credited for the work, I simply threw some boxes together changed some colours and made a few of my own things in there.

To install / update the skin download the rar file, remove any old versions of the skin you may have and drag the Just 24 folder into your sports interactive/football manager 24/skins folder

Find me on Twitter here.

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Downloads: 82751 / Size: 15.8 MB / Added: 2023-10-20
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Discussion: Just Classic & Just Skin Attributeless

230 comments have been posted so far.

  • Phildw's avatar
    Appreciate you taking the time to look at this for me.
  • Justhowie's avatar
    @gingous mod folder there is the old font you put everything inside in the fonts folder
  • gingous's avatar
    ciao, ho visto che con il nuovo aggiornamento è cambiato il font del testo... come si fa a tornare a mettere quello di prima? @Justhowie
  • Justhowie's avatar
    @phildw it was a pain in the backside to manage boxes, no boxes and attributless. It would require every attribute for players and non players to be changed in the person properties and the graphics / classes adding to correct folders I'm off work Friday I can take a look then
  • Phildw's avatar
    Thanks mate it now works perfectly. Appreciate the hard work. On a separate note, how easy is it to add boxes to the attributes? Just as a personal preference for myself. Cheers pal
  • Justhowie's avatar
    @phildw right worked it out had to create a mod in the mod folder for custom backgrounds so use the one you want there is a choice to use the long title bar or normal sized also in there re-download and it should work thanks for your patience
  • Phildw's avatar
    Thanks mate. I do use the smaller title bar already so it may not be linked to that though.
  • Justhowie's avatar
    @phildw I finish work in 10 hours I'll take another look when I finish. I have a feeling if you use the mod/smaller title bar it may fix the issue appears to be related to making it the longer version
  • Phildw's avatar
    Just re downloaded and no change. Background selector still not working so cannot see custom backgrounds.
  • Justhowie's avatar
    @phildw give it a redownload think I found the issue just uploaded a few tweaks and I believe this was one of the ones I spotted aswell as some font size issues with the new font
  • Phildw's avatar
    Not able to see our custom backgrounds with updated skin? Anybody else seeing this issue?
  • Justhowie's avatar
    Fixed sorry guys
  • BezzFM's avatar
    Link not working for me......
  • Pace's avatar
    DL not working?
  • Justhowie's avatar
    Glad to hear mate glad I could solve your issue
  • gingous's avatar
    ora è tutto perfetto!! grazie e bellissimo lavoro per la skin, per me è la più bella di FM. @Justhowie
  • Justhowie's avatar
    go to Just24/settings/just settings.xml

    delete line 32
    <colour name="bg accent" value="white"/>

    save the document and reopen your game
  • gingous's avatar
    grazie mille, buona serata!
  • Justhowie's avatar
    Fantastic I'll take a look are hat could be causing this tonight thank you
  • gingous's avatar
    è la prima volta che uso fm scout e non so come si pubblicano le foto....
  • gingous's avatar
  • gingous's avatar
    @Justhowie scusami.... ora dovresti vederlo, spero.
  • Justhowie's avatar
    @gingous you need to host an image online I can't see what's on your hard drive
  • gingous's avatar

  • Justhowie's avatar
    @gingous can you send me a screen shot please as this isn't an issue I can replicate
    @maciejko7788 I shall take a look after work this evening

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