Football Manager 2022 new features requested by the FM community. A FM22 wishlist featuring the best suggestions from the community on how to improve FM 2021.
The complete list of officially confirmed new and improved Football Manager 2022 features. Full round-up of headline FM22 features. Updated on October 18th.
Can't wait for the official data update until March? Our endorsed winter transfer update for FM 2021 comes to the rescue! Football Manager 2021 January transfers.
No official FM21 summer transfers update, no problem! Our endorsed summer transfer update for FM 2021 is the next best thing before Football Manager 2022. Updated daily!
Here are all the Football Manager 2021 screenshots from SI's feature reveals. A taste of what to expect from FM 2021. First look screenshots. Updated: Nov 3rd
Football Manager 2021 is coming to Xbox in December! Football Manager returns to Xbox for the first time since the 2007/08 season with FM21 Xbox edition.
The FM21 Beta to Final update which includes includes a host of improvements from the pre-release Beta. If you started a save on the Beta, it carries over.
You can now get Football Manager 2021 - the full game on Epic Store - for free via Prime Gaming. This promotion can be claimed until December 31st, 2021.
Football Manager 2021 new features requested by the FM community. A FM21 wishlist featuring the best suggestions from the community on how to improve FM 2020. Updated on July 10th.
FM21 match engine AI gets an extra level of depth added to decision-making which has led to improvements across the pitch. The action will feel more realistic.