Football Manager 2021 has been confirmed to arrive this year, just a bit later than initially planned. Too early to talk about a specific release date though.
Can't wait for the official data update til March? Our endorsed winter transfer update for FM 2020 comes to the rescue! Football Manager 2020 January transfers.
Stadia will make it possible to play FM20 in the cloud, but you'd have to wait til November for the premium edition and be OK with playing the game with no mods.
No official FM20 data update, no problem! Our endorsed summer transfer update for FM 2020 is the next best thing before Football Manager 2021. Updated daily!
Here are all the Football Manager 2020 screenshots from SI's feature reveals. A taste of what to expect from FM 2020. First look screenshots. Updated: October 25th.
FM2020 Public Beta launched on January 16th. All the details regarding what this is, how you can get access and what benefits are available from doing so.
This update attempts to fix the problems caused by the 20.4.2 compatibility update. Certain problems still remain though. Yet another hotfix patch soon?
The February transfer window update for FM 2020 is available as of March 5th. For the first time ever, SI decided to release 2 winter data updates instead of 1.
The long awaited January transfer window update for FM 2020 is available as of February 20th. Over 650k changes to database records & 20k new people created.
Alongside some performance optimisation, the 20.2.4 patch includes an updated FM20 match engine containing a number of tweaks, improvements and changes.
This update addresses some stability issues which have been raised within the community over the last week. Patch 20.2.1 for the final release of FM20.
This update address an issue regarding hidden attributes and determination being generated incorrectly on game start. Patch 20.1.3 for the final release of FM20
The FM20 Beta to Final update which includes includes a host of improvements from the pre-release Beta. If you started a save on the Beta, it carries over.
Another update which includes a lot of gameplay / match changes and address some stability issues reported in Football Manager 2020 Beta version 20.0.4.
Questions and answers about FM20 on Epic Store. How does the game work on Epic? What is different compared to FM2020 on Steam? Can we use addons and how?
Football Manager 2020 announce trailer & artwork revealed. Football Manager 2020 is officially confirmed & arriving in early November. Create the future!