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Rare, Funny, & Unusual Moments in FM

some rare & funny moments from the best game ever made
Started on 28 June 2012 by raypangea
Latest Reply on 15 July 2012 by sniper99
  • POSTS17
  • VIEWS32499
Neat stuff.

Heh, yes I'd put the successful ban appeal rather high up, I've never seen one. I don't make many, for that reason, but absolutely never ever had one work.

I have had the health and safety message, closing a part of a stand. Ironically, it was in a brand new stadium, open only a few months.

Checking back I had a Newcastle side that scored 105 and collected 105 points.

I've heard of the April Fool joke, by the way, a couple of people have mentioned it to me, but never seen it.

Just the other day, Leverkusen six goals v. Dortmund in the first 30 minutes (and Dortmund are not a bad side, I'd rate them the #3 side in the Bundesliga when this took place). Pace didn't keep up unfortunately and we "only" finished with seven. Where's the bottle to capture this magic and use it again?

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