18.7.12 - Post Match
"Well, wow, he's amazing." said Geoff Keeling. "I agree, we need to move quickly. Other clubs will move in for him soon."
"Oh yeah, let's go have a chat with their vice president."
The two men quickly went across to the Santos staff and found the vice president, Odílio Rodrigues Filho.
"Excuse me, do you speak English?" said Geoff. "Er yes. Who are you" was the reply. "I am Geoff Keeling, the Manager of Arsenal, this is my friend Liam Brady."
"Ah Yes errrr want you want?" replied Odílio "We are interested in Neymar," said Geoff. "I see, follow me."
They were lead across the stadium into an office with other Santos staff members. Geoff thought "at least they are willing to sell him at some price, albeit probably very high.
"We want £70m." said Odílio Rodrigues Filho "Well, we just cannot do that! We offer £35m." was the response.
That offered shocked the whole room, even Liam Brady.
"Geoff, are you insane?" whispered Liam Brady. "Trust me, I've got this under control." replied Geoff.
"Well, we can only go down to £55m."
That was the answer Geoff was looking for. It meant that they knew the were pushing their luck. "Time to use all my FM knowledge." he thought.
"We will pay you £38m." Geoff said with a smile on his face. "Uhhhh, how about £40m?" replied Odílio Rodrigues Filho. Geoff just nodded. He and Liam left the room with massive smiles on their faces.
"How did you pull that one off?" asked Liam. "Well, when they said they wanted £70m I thought they may be desperate, my thoughts were confirmed when they dropped the asking price by £15m immediately. I would take anything under £50m but I knew I could get less. And we did!"