FM 2024 Scouting Platform
FM Version
FM 23
FM 24
Photo ©2024 AC Ajaccio
Pos. Abilities
Natural 20 MC
Best Role Central Midfielder
Foot Right
Height 180cm
GS Rating
Based on his CA as assessed by GS24 .
Scout Opinion
Potential Much Room to Grow
Injury Prone Unlikely
Personal Details
FM24 ID 2000134920
Age 19
D.O.B. 4-Jul-2004
Nation FRA
EU National No
Contract Details
Club AC Ajaccio
Expires 30-Jun-2024
Value £377K
Wage £90 p/w
Status Not Set
Player Traits
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Salomon Abergel FM24 Reviews
Technical Attributes
Corners Crossing Dribbling Finishing First Touch Free Kick Taking Heading Long Shots Long Throws Marking Passing Penalty Taking Tackling Technique
Mental Attributes
Aggression Anticipation Bravery Composure Concentration Decisions Determination Flair Leadership Off The Ball Positioning Teamwork Vision Work Rate
Physical Attributes
Acceleration Agility Balance Jumping Reach Natural Fitness Pace Stamina Strength Hidden Attributes Current Ability Potential Ability Consistency Important Matches Injury Proneness
To check on the hidden attributes of Salomon Abergel get Genie Scout .
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