Hello my name a Tarob from Nigeria
I used to be President of big country Nigeria you know? ahahah Nice. I am very rich i buy lot of things for me.
I retired because job to stress but i have money so. I go to Kazakhstan match in Kazakhstan they play Canada I see Kazakhstan manager he name a Borat. We talk.
He is Central Asian man, with very high voice."I am a big fan of your work. You will make a great manager of Kazakhstan." I said
"You think that! Very nice!"
"I would like to do that in my country, Nigeria. I think there is a job opening there for manager."
"You follow in my footsteps?"
"Yes, you are a role model in Africa."
"Really?! Wa-Wa-Wee-Wa! I notice you have same nose as my father."
"It's a big nose isn't it? It's from my fathers line, I think he is from Kazakhstan."
"Very nice!"
"His name was Boltok."
"My father called Boltok! His full name is Boltok the Rapist."
"No way..."
It is because of this that I am now the manager of the whole nation of Nigeria. I will now win everything, and then beat Niger by loads.
I want to thank Tallery first for the amazing banner.
In the following post i will show you Nigeria's team most of you know some of the players i certainly do as i'm Nigerian my self .
If you did not get Borat's or Torab's writing i met him at a Kazakhstan match we are brothers since their father is a rapist, Boltolk.
I will talk through Torab through this story and i hope everyone enjoys it.
My first match is against Ethopia African Cup Qualifier i will post the squad in the next post.
Check out Borat's stroy btw or Qwertyman. http://www.fmscout.com/q-13215-Borat-Management-In-Football-To-Make-Benefit-Glorious-Nation-Kazakhstan.html