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Returning to FM after a 10 year break

Top newbie tips in terms of setting up
Started on 5 July 2020 by joemit
Latest Reply on 6 July 2020 by H e n d y
  • POSTS4
  • VIEWS3082
Hi all

Back in the day I used to play Football Manager, however, haven't done so for a good ten years or so. I just had a couple of questions from a complete new beginner's perspective in terms of initial set up. Apologies in advance for what may seem stupid questions, but here goes ....

1) I have an iMac but have a windows partition installed on bootcamp. This means I can install the game as a mac version or windows. Is one a better option than the other?

2) What is steam and how does it work?

3) Are saved games located on your machine hard drive or in the cloud?

Any other relevant information that you think I need to know would be appreciated too please.

Thanks in advance everyone.
Welcome back!

1) It's the same game on either OS, but for example if you'd like to use Genie Scout, then pick Windows.

2) Steam is a gaming platform. It's a requirement to activate/download/install the game. Grab it here.

3) You can choose that. I'm not 100% sure, but I think the cloud option means that the save will be located both on your machine and in the cloud, to make it possible to load it on another computer where you login with your steam account.
Thanks so much Stam - that's really helpful.

I did like to use Genie Scout so I'd imagine I will do so when I start playing again. I did notice that there is a version of Genie Scout for mac too - called Mac Assistant. I assume that does the same thing as Genie Scout?
Mate, welcome back.

I had the same situation in FM2016.

My Nephew helped me out and wow i was surprised by how much it had changed.

I wish you all the best mate but i know you will be ok.

Manage well, dream big and win.

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