so basically i receive a lot goals from indirect free kicks...any ideas how to improve or are there some routines to download....i tried but couldn find anything..tnx in advance
Download a knap tactic and save the set pieces from them?
There is no P&P indirect free kick routines which will secure results. SI have acknowledge that is being overpowered in FM20 version and will improve it for FM21.
tnx for answers

Maybe it's just the quality of your defenders and their heading jumping reach and positioning etc? I concede hardly any goals from indirect free kicks.
Jumping Reach & Positiong helps, but it's not the only factor. SI has knowledge that AI is overpowered for indirect free kicks.
General: The better DC, the less concede from them
General: The better DC, the less concede from them
Ignore my comment. On reflection the goals I do conceded I'd say 30-50% on them are from indirect fks. Have you found a way to solve the problem?
You are reading "defending indirect free kicks".