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FM Genie Scout

Searching Clubs
Started on 22 November 2021 by nugsterrr
Latest Reply on 11 December 2021 by MDW300C
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nugsterrr's avatar Group nugsterrr
3 yearsEdited
does anyone know how to filter player search's to a certian club.. so i could check potential of all players at my club through FM Genie Scout?

Thanks nugsterrr
Sort by Potential Rating and then by club. Scroll down to your club
2021-11-22 16:44#285482 nugsterrr : does anyone know how to filter player search's to a certian club.. so i could check potential of all players at my club through FM Genie Scout?

Thanks nugsterrr

Also, there is an option if you click on GS button top left you can click Search and there are two options that will give you what you want. First is Filter by Club/Squad and type in the team you are after. There is also My Team which will filter just the team you manage and you can also see just your staff when you go to the Staff tab.


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