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New features for FM 2012?

Started on 21 October 2010 by Stam
Latest Reply on 23 August 2011 by Grumsi
  • POSTS108
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One feature that I'd wonna see is the chance to develop football academies in far off places.Why should one need a feeder if he could simply fund his own academy in another country just like real teams do. I always try to get the best of youngsters and one of the best ways to get them is through academies.

Also someone said something earlier on about favorite staff and things like that.I would simply love to add dislikes in my status. e.g. I'd eat my underwear if i could add that I simply hate Dusan Bajevic and Angelos Anastasiadis.
# stam : Yes I know that we just got FM 2011 Demo. But there is a certain feature I'd like to see for a couple of years now, and it's still not there.

I want the option to assign a scout on a shortlist to go through all players on it, and come up with scout reports.

Do you have any requests?

Stam, i think you already have that option mate. if i didn't misunderstood you, you can do that by selecting all the players in your shortlist (on the left side you have kinf of an arrow you click on it and then press shift or control and you select all your players).
If you were referring to that, you already can do that. If you weren't, i'm sorry for the post then lol
# Gith : One feature that I'd wonna see is the chance to develop football academies in far off places.Why should one need a feeder if he could simply fund his own academy in another country just like real teams do. I always try to get the best of youngsters and one of the best ways to get them is through academies.

Also someone said something earlier on about favorite staff and things like that.I would simply love to add dislikes in my status. e.g. I'd eat my underwear if i could add that I simply hate Dusan Bajevic and Angelos Anastasiadis.

You have good ideas there.
there should be some realistic instructions that you can give to your players.for example some player have 3 yellow card and you need him in an important match so you should be able to say "get booked so you will be banned in the match before the Derby,i need you in the Derby"

and sometimes if the rival is too strong or one of their players is a wonder and damages your team i would like to order my players "injure him when the refree not looking".i know its not something nice but we all know those things happen in Football.
I thought we would have this on fm 2011:

The crowd is what makes me chill when i see a football match. SI really needs to improve on that point maybe by record some songs of clubs (you'll never walk alone for example) who make football a show like no other.
Premier league, Turkish league, bundesliga have the best football crowd environment...add that to our gaming experience would be a big improve to the best game in the world.
what you think?
i would like to be able to chose with coach does what out of the assistants repsonsebileties... for example, I would like to be able to ask someone else then my assistant for OI and complete teamreports... aswell as ALLWAYS having a ranking in the scout report (2best CB etc...) also the "star system" to be changealbe... for exampel, if i play in League One, i shuld be able to chose if the starating shuld be set for Leauge One standard, Championship stanard or PL... would make it much easier to place players in a bigger perspective... and finnaly, opposition not turning in to super-humans when they get behind... sure, great managers can pretty quickley... but i hate when I've become a top team, playing a weeker side, and somehow it's impossible to use the same tac for 90 min, this isn't very realistic as top teams usualy only change tactics when they are playing other topteams...
# ampren7a : -=

-The youth system and the way players develop.
This is how i see it: In real life football there is no such thing as CA or PA.It would be nice if skills would rise dependig only on age,ambition,professionalism,talent and work rate,training schedule and positions he plays.Maybe a new skill(talent) quantified not in a number value but a star rating(like in scout reports)that would develop the player's natural rate of improving.


someone who shares my disgust of the youth system...i know it's blasphemy but SI should take a look at fifa manager. it might be a s**t game but it has a great youth system.
inonu88 : if the rival is too strong or one of their players is a wonder and damages your team i would like to order my players "injure him when the refree not looking".

Funny but true :D
Deleted's avatar Deleted
# stam : Funny but true :D

Yeah...well i'd be happy with:"get him off the pitch even if you'l get a full season ban"
I have been saying this now for 2 - 3 years

We need the chance to Modify Squad Kits with the approval of the Board!!

i am bored with using the same kit for 40 seasons like on fm10

and if you guys remember on FM online

You could name stands! i think that should be a option on here

and a in game option to import your own logos or make your own logos in game

I mean why not?? its easy to do!
1. Be able to assign a scout to a shortlist - such a simple and useful modification, wtf havent they done it yet!?

2. More dynamic/changing game. E.G rise and fall of nations, for example, england is pretty crap now and that should be reflected in the level of regens coming through, however, things such as clubs putting more emphasis on youth development should happen (not just you deciding for 1 club), allowing a country to turn it around..

3. Need to work on the game engine. The 3D part looks fine and is great. They need to fine tune the actual match play.
I really, really hope they will fix the finances for the Dutch competition.
I let a game run for 20 years, and only the few teams that played in europe managed to improve, all the other clubs went completely bankrupt by the ridiculously low sponsor fees etc in the league.
The total amount amount of sponsor money in my in-game league was about 45 million (7 million for most-earning club), whereas, in real life, Ajax alone gets over 35 million a year. It just takes the fun out of playing :P

And I hate the fact that if you offer a player a contract and right after you pressed finish deal you realise that you haven't changed part-time to full-time (for lower league teams, part-time is the default). So you withdraw the the offer to change it into full time and then they tell you the player doesn't want to talk to you! And even if you sign him he will not change his contract until after about half a year, as 'the player has signed a contract recently and does not want to discuss another contract'. Grrrrr
One main thing i've missed in recent games is that you cannot either gloat or congratulate other managers on the game you have just played, I think it would be a nice touch if they were to bring it back
Lately i was thinking about some changes that would make Football manager more realistic and challenging.

This is my list:

1º)Players and staff should have their attributes and personalities hidden. We should listen carfully to what staff and players have to say, and observe the matches, take notes and others, like realy managers do to obtain information.

2º)In lower leagues i can make money real fast just by arrange lot's of friendlys against the same foreigner club. That's not realistic. For example, if i play one friendly match with my sub-19 team against a foreigner club that pay me 20K for the traveling, i can make lot's of money if i keep playing against him. In reality this never happen, after some friendlys they don't have more money, but in FM they have infinite money to give us with that method.

3º)Training section should be improved. If we could see players training it would help us find more about the players (assuming hidden attributes).
We should have the option to plan weekly training, choose specific exercises, and get help of our staff if we feel to overwhelmed.
Testing some tactics during training would be intresting too.

And that's all. I know that some ppl would like the challeng of these changes. Others would prefer less work. But it will take FM to a new level of realism.
Some of these suggestions are good, but a few are just stupid...

The game is called Football MANAGER... That is why you have no say ins stuff like: kits, ticket prices, naming stands, building shopping malls etc. If you want something like that play the Sims.

My only problem is the bug (I think its a bug) whereby I'm offered a contract that is too high for me to accept and I can't negotiate down, therefore I can't accept, very frustrating.

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