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FM Legends - Where are they now?

Do you remember these Football Manager legends? A selection of famous players that have never fulfilled their Football Manager potential!

Tonton Zola Moukoko - Championship Manager Legend
Tonton Zola Moukoko - Championship Manager Legend
Tonton Zola Moukoko is another legend from the CM 01-02 database who was a must buy for all teams. How good was he in Championship Manager 01/02?
To Madeira - Championship Manager Legend
To Madeira - Championship Manager Legend
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Who was Tó Madeira and what did he do in his career? How good was he in Championship Manager 01/02?
Ibrahima Bakayoko - Football Manager Legend
Ibrahima Bakayoko - Football Manager Legend
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Ibrahima Bakayoko was a prolific striker with great all-around attributes on Championship Manager. How good was he in Championship Manager 97/98?
Wonderkids from FM 2008 - Reality Check 2018
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A selection of footballers who used to be wonderkids back in Football Manager 2008 and what happened 10 years later (2018, as of writing this).
Mike Duff - Football Manager Legend
Mike Duff - Football Manager Legend
Mike Duff was a great defender with a tasty number of 20s in key attributes on Championship Manager. How good was he in Championship Manager 01/02?
Kennedy Bakircioglu - Football Manager Legend
Kennedy Bakircioglu - Football Manager Legend
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Kennedy Bakircioglu was a memorable wonderkid with stunning consistency on Championship Manager. How good was he in Championship Manager 01/02 and beyond?
Maxim Tsigalko - Football Manager Legend
Maxim Tsigalko - Football Manager Legend
Maksim Tsyhalka was a legendary Belarusian wonderkid with absolutely lethal finishing on Championship Manager. How good was he in Championship Manager 01/02?
Sherman Cardenas - Football Manager Legend
Sherman Cardenas - Football Manager Legend
Sherman Cardenas was a sought-after Colombian wonderkid with amazing Football Manager abilities. How good was he in Football Manager 2006 and FM 2007?
Henri Saivet - Football Manager Legend
Henri Saivet - Football Manager Legend
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Henri Saivet was a popular French wonderkid who had immense Football Manager potential. How good was he in Football Manager 2008? What happened to him?
Nik Besagno - Football Manager Legend
Nik Besagno - Football Manager Legend
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Nik Besagno was a famous American wonderkid who never fulfilled his Football Manager potential. How good was he in Football Manager 2006? What happened to him?
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