On FM Scout you can chat about Football Manager in real time since 2011. Here are 10 reasons to join!


FM21 Performance Benchmarking
FM21 Performance Benchmarking
18334   1  
A reference point to knowing what computer config would give us what kind of performance on Football Manager 2021. And instructions on how you can contribute your benchmarking results.
FM22 Guide: How to increase realism in Football Manager
FM22 Guide: How to increase realism in Football Manager
15166   291  
Several tips and downloadable game setup files to help you set up your save-game as balanced as possible for different strong PC/Laptop systems.
FM22 Performance Benchmarking
FM22 Performance Benchmarking
A reference point to knowing what computer config would give us what kind of performance on Football Manager 2022. And instructions on how you can contribute your benchmarking results.
Football Manager Official Manual
Super-swanky manual by SI and SEGA
Laptop Buying Guide for Football Manager
Laptop Buying Guide for Football Manager
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Laptop buying guide for Football Manager enthusiasts. In this guide we provide you with all the essential tips you need to know before buying a new laptop.
What Windows Laptop to Buy for FM22
What Windows Laptop to Buy for FM22
21653   1  
Owais picks 4+3 laptops that can handle Football Manager 2022. Laptop choices for various budgets, ranging from under 300 and up to over 1200. Personal opinion.
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