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Luis De Rossi: The Journey Home

Started on 21 August 2014 by InvertedWingbacks
Latest Reply on 22 August 2014 by swanny8589
  • POSTS13
  • VIEWS6277

”And thats a great ball through for De Rossi! De Rossi is clean through on goal here, with a chance to put Murcia’s fate beyond all doubt! De Rossi! GOOOOOOOOALLL! What a hit! A sublime ball through from midfield, and a perfect finish from young Luis De Rossi! and Murcia are on their way to the Segunda!”

I shook my head, and ejected the video. It was still surreal to watch that; 13 years ago, I had secured my local club’s status in Serie A, as a 19 year old ‘prodigy’. That prodigal status didn’t last very long though; that summer, At a training camp for the European Championships, I went into a tackle with Massimo Ambrosini, and came off worse for wear, tearing my achilles tendon and hyperextending my left knee. My football was never the same.

I lifted myself slowly from my stupor, and headed slowly for the Kitchen. My footballing might never have been the same, but my business choices certainly didn’t leave anything to be desired. During my rehab, I had spent time to learn how to manage a business, and when it was apparent that I would never play again, I took off to university in England to do a degree in International Business management, graduating with 1st class honours, before moving back to Spain, and setting up shop in Murcia.

‘Shop’ in this sense had grown into a multi-discipline empire on a medium scale: scrap metal yards, restaurants, a footballing academy and a chain of pubs. I was a well connected man, and I enjoyed the profits in style. I collected my coffee, and retired to my bedroom, where an attractive blonde awaited...If only I could remember her name….

I started at the television blankly, not quite comprehending what had just happened. My club were managerless, 60 days before the start of the season. That was quite a blow. I pushed my spaghetti away, and headed for my office. Surely somebody knew what was going on?
Great start, good luck!
2014-08-21 16:41#191183 Tallery : Great start, good luck!

Thanks man!

”Well….Luis...I...I’m not sure what you want me to do? Murcia have no manager, and the board are struggling as it is: there aren’t many viable options”

Listen, Miguel, I don’t care how you do it, or what it takes, but you need to get me into that boardroom: I need to discuss this with the board.

”They’re not meeting with anybody about this at the moment, Mr De Rossi, I’m not sure wha-”

Did you hear me Miguel? I dont CARE, what it takes, or how you do it, I WILL be in that boardroom by 5pm tomorrow. Do I make myself clear?

Before Miguel could reply, I ended the call, and slammed my phone onto the breakfast bar. Murcia were a club very close to my heart, and I refused to see them without a manager, regardless of how bad the financial situation was. As it stands, I know the club has no youth squad, due to budget constraints, and that was a saddening situation. I knew I could bring something to the club; not least a youth side to compete with the best - my summer school/academy was a production line of talent, and some of the players have gone on to play for clubs like Villareal and Barcelona’s B side.

Shaking my head, I pulled my laptop towards me, and started to work through some calculations and assets, to see exactly what I could take to the club’s board, when Miguel got me into the boardroom.

Two days later, the call came. I met with the Murcia board, 18 days before the side’s first friendly against Chaves. I wasn’t expecting the riot I was met by; the board were utterly clueless about what the club needed going forwards - no idea about the squad, no idea about the condition of the facilities, no idea about the youth system, or the need for a system which produces quality players.

”Luis, we hear what you’re saying, but we simply don’t have the funding for this at present. We have debts to be paid, debtors to keep happy, you know how it is”

”Mr Samper, I do understand. But, I am also aware that the club, at present, is worth around 11.75m Euro, and the debt is only around 5m Euro, a comparatively low sum.

Don’t look surprised, sir; i’m a relatively powerful man, i’m sure you’re aware - I have ways and means of finding this information. And i’m perplexed, in all honesty - with 6.75m Euro in the club, all debts considered, why exactly can you not invest in at least one aspect of the necessary improvements?”

Jesus Samper was speechless. What exactly were he and Juan hiding? This club had the resources to move forwards, but the Chairmen refused to open their chequebook and help the club they profess to love. It was time to take action.

”I’m going to say this once, and once only: I have a successful footballing summer program in this city, and many assets alongside that: I can afford to manage this club for little to no recompense, and i’m willing to do just that. For legal reasons, we obviously could not make my program into the club’s youth system, but i’m sure that some sort of compromise could be arrived at - we can look at that later. I’m going to make this club great again. And you’re going to help me.”

The Sampers looked uncomfortable, but eventually, they agreed.

My boyhood club was mine, once again.
Really nice start mate, can tell this will be interesting!
Great start! Really like the way this is written! :)
thanks guys!

I leant back in my chair, and looked at the figures in front of me. It just didn’t add up. Something about my boyhood club felt sinister...something was out of place. I decided that now would be the time to do some research into the Sampers. Jesus was, as I already knew, an attorney, with various holdings, across various cities in Spain. By all accounts, a powerful man. No matter how I tried though, I couldn’t delve any deeper into his business dealings, past cases, etc. Search engines drew a blank, my browser froze up whenever I found a likely looking site. His wikipedia page was about two lines long, and offered no extra information. So who was this guy really? I picked my phone up, thinking on who I could call for some information, but before I could dial any numbers, my apartment’s doorbell buzzed.

Closing the lid on my laptop, I lifted myself out of my seat, and headed to greet my visitor. As I opened my door, my heart sank, and settled somewhere around my navel. My ‘visitor’ was not such a pleasant surprise: Jesus Samper’s cousin turned bodyguard, Pedro, stood on my doorstep, an unpleasant smirk on his face.

”Mr De Rossi! Greetings! Mr Jesus sent me here, to introduce myself; I am Pedro, and I am your new security detail - do you mind if I come in?”

Had I minded, I was given no opportunity to voice that objection, as Pedro muscled past me and into my hallway. ”Well, Mr. De Rossi, it’s time we sussed out what protection you need. I’m just going to have a look around, and assess your apartment for risks and dangers, and i’ll need your electronic equipment also, to protect you from any online threat.”

Shit. My electronic equipment. I had to act fast.

”Sure, Pedro, if you go have a look around, i’ll get all my gear together and we can go through it together? Better I know what risks i’m facing, right?”

Risks? As manager of Murcia? What the hell was I saying?! A wide grin flashed across Pedro’s face

”Not necessary, Mr. De Rossi. I will deal with all your security needs from now forwards. Also, I would like you to meet Idina Jasso. She will be your live-in security detail; she can either be invisible, or an integral part of your life - you just let her know.” Pedro gestured towards the door as he spoke, and I turned to see one of the most gorgeous females i’ve ever seen. My heart, once beating somewhere around my Navel, sank even lower.
Really good update - really like the style of writing

Just read through the update...and wow!
This gets better and better! :)
Thanks Gents :) i'll update again before I go to work :)

A slight frown crossed Pedro’s face as he opened my laptop to do what he had to do with it, and I whipped round, fearing his reaction, but Idina’s hand was immediately on my shoulder:

”It’s okay, Luis, I’ve already dealt with it. Come, let’s leave Pedro to his work, we have much to discuss.”

Reluctantly, I turned away from my desk, where Pedro was fiddling with my laptop and phone, and followed Idina down the hallway, allowing her to lead me to my lounge, where she settled onto my corner sofa, patting the space next to her, her face split into a gorgeous smile. Still reluctant, I moved towards the sofa, and sat next to her, waiting on her to explain exactly what was going on. Surely as my home security detail, she would be able to tell me everything?

”So, spying on your new employers already, Luis?” I was taken aback; how did she know that?! Her face still wore it’s beautiful grin, and she shook her head softly. ”It’s okay: I did the same when they hired me, and I think we’re on the same page...Look, Pedro’s not only protecting you from online threats, he’s protecting the Sampers from the threat you’re likely to pose. Every website you visit, and every call you make will be recorded from today onwards, and sent to them. One step out of line, and the results won’t be pretty for you.”

”Are….are you threatening me?” I couldn’t quite understand what she was saying.

”No, Luis...I’m not threatening anybody. We’re on the same side here; and i’m here to help you.” Gently, she reached out and stroked my arm. I looked up at her, soaking up her beauty: her perfect teeth, her curves, her electric blue eyes which drew me in. The hint of danger which she exuded topped off the whole effect. My breathing got shorter and faster, as her face moved closer to mine. Her lips at my ear, she lent in and whispered softly: ”We’ve got to be careful, Luis. So careful”

The next morning, I was awoken by the scent of coffee, wafting through my apartment. I rolled over to see the other side of my bed perfectly made, and a note, resting on the bedside table. “Breakfast at 9.30, Balcony. x” Rubbing my eyes, I reached for my phone. 9.25am. I rolled out of bed and got dressed in some loose-fitting jogging bottoms and an old Murcia training top, and padded down the hall, meeting Idina somewhere between the kitchen and the balcony which overlooked my back yard. She was radiant in a pair of my old shorts and a checked shirt, buttoned down slightly but not revealing too much. Smiling softly, she led the way to the balcony, set down her tray, and turned to me.

”Morning, Luis” That soft smile still playing on her lips, her hair blowing gently in the breeze, ”We’ve got a lot of work to do this morning, so eat up, and we can get to training. I’m going to go and shower while you’re’ve got 20 minutes.”
Great start mate. Ill be following

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