The Evolution Of Success

'Little did they know he would become the greatest manager of all time'
It's good to be back
After my return to the site this has been in the back of my mind. I have missed writing and I looking forward to returning to give you guys a good and quality story to read. However this is different. It will not be the standard story will news posts and interviews. This will be a career update following the trail of rookie manager Matt Wells as he learns the pitfalls of success. I will be updating this every 6 months in game and I will document how exactly I make each and every decision to show you guys how I play the game and how I become the greatest manager of all time.
I hope to follow in the footsteps of the few who became something out of nothing and rise to the top using only my sheer will power and determination.
I aim for this to last the entire of FM15 and by that time I want to have achieved all I wanted in the game.
I hope you enjoy.