The Beginning

Knock knock,
"Im komende, houd gewoon op een minuut"
Knock knock knock
"Ik heb gezegd dat im bloedige komende"
I couldn't stand this banging at the door any longer, so i got up from reading 'Im Zlatan' and answered the door, as the door slowly opened i saw a face that looked somewhat familiar, short, greasy, slicked back hair and not to mention well dressed.
"Ciao Johan, Si può parlare?'
"do you speak English? " i couldn't understand Italian to save my life
"Si, i have been advised you are looking to come back into management, is this correct Johan?
"ive been looking to come back into management for some time now, but haven't had the right offers i said, whilst shaking like a leaf in the wind
"good to hear, ive got a proposition for you but id like to talk more about it back in Italy, in my private villa, with my representatives.
i didnt know what to think, was he being serious? do i trust this man, i cant even remember his name, thought after thought was going through my head.
"Sorry, but i didnt get your name"
"Just call me Silvio"
I knew i had seen him before, and its good to put that face of his to a name,
"Well Johan, ill be sending some staff of mine here during the week to come and pick you up and bring you to Italy so we can discuss it more there, ill see you soon my friend".
Silvio got straight up, fixed his suit, then walked out of the apartment with cigar in hand.
what the hell just happened, it was over in about 5 minutes, could i really be heading back into management?