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Poll: FM15 Blooper of the year

Who would be interested in this?
Started on 7 November 2015 by TheAlex651
Latest Reply on 7 November 2015 by TheAlex651
  • POSTS1
  • VIEWS3860
What would you like? (13 votes)
Hey guys I just thought of this idea for a blooper of the year award or maybe a FM Funnies thread and wanted to hear your guys feedback on it. My idea for the blooper of the year would be to have people submit there bloopers which would then be narrowed down into a shortlist and then voted on by the community or a panel of judges. Or I could make a thread for people to post there funny moments for the enjoyment of others. If you notice anything that I have done wrong please tell me so that other people understand what I'm saying.

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