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Clubs total wage is counted wrongly

Started on 26 February 2016 by zha
Latest Reply on 26 February 2016 by zha
  • POSTS1
  • VIEWS3180
We have a network FM league with flexible salary limit which is controlled by moderator (me). For checking and measuring actual salary levels we use "Finance" tab and "current wage total" row from club information screen.
we would like to use scout and "clubs search" screen from it for those purposes, but there are a couple of difficulties at the moment. Both are connected with cases when player is on loan from other clubs.

If loan agrrement terms are so that loaner pays 0% of initial salary, salary of players on loan from other clubs are counted as their initial salaries (100%).

If loan agreement terms are so that loaner pays greater that 0% of initial salary, salary of those players are counted as 0.

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