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Possesion drop in a new season

Low ball possession
Started on 26 July 2017 by Wayss
Latest Reply on 8 August 2017 by De Magere
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Wayss's avatar Group Wayss
7 yearsEdited
I have had normal possession like 40-60, not sure. But last season my team played badly in all aspects including possession(idk why, I didn't change tactics and only bought 1 new player if I not mistaken).
I also set a lot of Possession training but it didn't help.

The new season that I'm currently at my team show good results but I still have low possession, for example in a match against CSKA that I won 6-0 I only had 36% possession(playing as Manchester United btw). As I had already said I haven't changed tactics at all(maybe just a bit)

36%(what a coincidence) of last 53 training weeks were possession training.

Sooo, what happened to my team?

UPD: Well, I played more and it seems to get better.
Your possession depends on your tactics and training, that includes coaches. So if you want more possession try working on your tactics ,and most likely you're doing something wrong in training. How you get 36% possession with any team is beyond comprehension(unless you're playing against barca, or bayern) especially after you've been working on possession in training for so long.
Not sure why you are conplaining when you're winning 6-0.

Take a look at your team instructions. Short passing at a low/normal tempo helps allot. (You probably already looked at this)

Switching from control to standard or counter sometimes helps because your force the opponent to have the ball. When I play on control or standard and I have 43% possession and I switch to counter most of the times it balance out.

Look at your player roles and formation. It helps to have players in every line on the field. Fluid helps with possession because your players start roaming on the field.

Sometimes it just some some games and it's an incident. Hope this helps a bit.

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