Well, i have this newgen player that a lot of clubs want, they are offering around 4M for him, and my player wants to join them because i'm training Oldham and clubs like PSG, Barcelona, Chelsea etc are offering. So i can't mantain the player happy in my team because he wants to play Champions League.
Okay, but if theu really wants the player? Why his value don't go up? He i was curious and used the editor to see his CA and PA and it was around 140-180, and players like him usually have a value of 15M.
What can i do to at least increase his value? Saddly i don't have money to offer him a new contract, his wage is the maximum my president permits.
Okay, but if theu really wants the player? Why his value don't go up? He i was curious and used the editor to see his CA and PA and it was around 140-180, and players like him usually have a value of 15M.
What can i do to at least increase his value? Saddly i don't have money to offer him a new contract, his wage is the maximum my president permits.