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Loading FM21 Touch file in Genie

Started on 2 December 2020 by keakiwi
Latest Reply on 2 December 2020 by keakiwi
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keakiwi's avatar Group keakiwi
4 yearsEdited
Hey guys,

Has anyone been able to load an FM Touch save game with Genie Scout? Despite the latest version saying it is compliant with Touch all I get when I go to load the game is this error message...

"Your game data is not found.
Please, make sure your game is loaded completely in Football Manager, and try again.
If you're sure and the problem persists, save your game in Football Manager, and try again."

I've tried re-saving the game. I've tried rebooting FM. I've run Genie as an administrator.

It's always the same issue. I'm wondering if it's just me or if someone else has had this problem too.


* Update. I solved this by stopping running genie scout in adminstrator mode.

You are reading "Loading FM21 Touch file in Genie".

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