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Contract renewals make no sense...Is it only me?

Started on 28 November 2023 by AbuNahzir
Latest Reply on 28 November 2023 by AbuNahzir
  • POSTS1
  • VIEWS1388
So, im playing Braga in FM24 and im currently starting my second season and i keep having to sell my key players because 6 months after they sign or at most 12 months after the game starts, they start demanding new contracts. I would be fine to up some 50% on some of them, specially the bargain buys, but they are asking AT LEAST 4 TIMES WHAT THEY ARE MAKING NOW!

My starter left back wont back down for 10x his salary after the first season! Is this normal??
I checked FC Porto and Benfica squad, to see the wages on their 1st team starters (they are the richest clubs in Portugal) and my players want more money than the Porto and Benfica players get.

This never happened to me in FM and its ruining my save...Is it happening only to me? Does anybody have some advice?

Thank you

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