FM Crowd is the friendly community of the best Football Manager bloggers started in December, 2010. Actually it's created for two kinds of FM fans:
- those who like to write FM stories describing their experiences in the Game
- those who like to read FM stories and learn from them.
Each blog post of FM Crowd appears on the site's home page. It allows readers to either follow all the blogs together or select distinct blogs for reading. FM Crowd authors write very different stories for any taste: from low league management to top clubs. Additionally all FM Crowd blogs participate and compete in the "Top Blogs" and "Most Active Blogs" rankings:
Moreover, "Blog of The Day Award" is given to the most productive author of the last day:
It's also important that FM Crowd is founded by Vitaliy Mokosiy, the author of True Football Manager blog - well-known blog started in 2007. This fact provides FM Crowd's quality and confidence in its stable and bright future!
Welcome to FM Crowd!
FM Crowd is the friendly community of the best Football Manager bloggers started in December, 2010. Actually it's created for two kinds of FM fans:
- those who like to write FM stories describing their experiences in the Game
- those who like to read FM stories and learn from them.
Each blog post of FM Crowd appears on the site's home page. It allows readers to either follow all the blogs together or select distinct blogs for reading. FM Crowd authors write very different stories for any taste: from low league management to top clubs. Additionally all FM Crowd blogs participate and compete in the "Top Blogs" and "Most Active Blogs" rankings:
Moreover, "Blog of The Day Award" is given to the most productive author of the last day:
It's also important that FM Crowd is founded by Vitaliy Mokosiy, the author of True Football Manager blog - well-known blog started in 2007. This fact provides FM Crowd's quality and confidence in its stable and bright future!
Welcome to FM Crowd!