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How and when are transfer instalments paid?

Started on 30 November 2024 by SunglassesRon
Latest Reply on 30 November 2024 by SunglassesRon
  • POSTS1
  • VIEWS626
I'm currently playing a two player game with a friend and i'm Crystal Palace and we are midway through second season.
I've sold quite a bit of deadwood but also spent ALOT of money building a good squad very quickly, however, I had to structure these deals by splitting them using the 3 12 month instalment way.

I thought that this money would be paid as lump sums once each year but I appear to be spending alot of money on transfers every month so was wondering how these deals work and when the money is paid?

Last month I didn't actually buy anyone as it was november yet in my expenditure on the finances screen it says I spent £24 million.

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