Hi guys
Never posted on here before but ive been very bored on my regular saves and wanted to make it abit more interesting
ive always tried to set up online games with my friends but everyone just loses interest because there not as FM mad as me
Just wanted to see if anyone would be interested in playing an online game - Premier league would be my league of choice but willing to listen out for ideas
Im based in the UK but can play anytime usually
I would love to set one up and break the boredom of regular saves at the minute
Any interest would be nice
Never posted on here before but ive been very bored on my regular saves and wanted to make it abit more interesting
ive always tried to set up online games with my friends but everyone just loses interest because there not as FM mad as me
Just wanted to see if anyone would be interested in playing an online game - Premier league would be my league of choice but willing to listen out for ideas
Im based in the UK but can play anytime usually
I would love to set one up and break the boredom of regular saves at the minute
Any interest would be nice