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Tactics that work on FM 2011?

Any help will be greatly appreciated; can't take much more...
Started on 21 May 2011 by grobbo1234
Latest Reply on 23 May 2011 by OMGItsNathan
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grobbo1234's avatar Group grobbo1234
13 yearsEdited
hi guys, this is my first post, im a long time lover of champ/football manager and have always enjoyed being able to make a good team until now, can someone give me details of tactics that work on football manager 2011 complete with tweaks between attack and defense and most importantly opposition instructions. i have spent hours upon hours trying but the approach i have always used on previous games just wont work and the game is making me very angry, i am so sick of the instructions i give being ignored and contradicted, if i say to drill crosses the players ignore me, if i say to close down the stand still like frightened little girls, if i say defend deep the opposition gets in behind at will, what more can i do but give the damm instruction?? any help will be greatly appreciated
Hi and welcome to FM Scout!

Have a look at the free FM2011 tactics analyzed on our tactics area mate. I hope you can find one that suits your style.
thanks stam but i have read those posts before but people dont give enought details, they give a formation and style of play but dont explain things like defensive line, tweeks between home and away,closing down tight marking. there is no point in posting details of your tactics unless you give ALL the information. you cant just take basic tactic info and have it be equally effective at home to blackpool and away to man utd. i have spent hours reading forums and testing tactics but the exact same flaws and contradictions come up all the time no matter what
well thing is you just have to find a basic style of play/formation that works for your side, once you've done that it's enough to change the basic mentality in the quick instruction, it's gotten be from BSN to winning PL in 11 seasons...
grobbo1234's avatar Group grobbo1234
13 yearsEdited
i agree mate but the one thing that must be included is the opposition instruction that you are using, these are what i need to master as i know its this that is fucking up my team, i need specific examples of when you use them and on who
lol, I just find an assistant with high CA and TacKnowledge and ask them ...
do like myself....

at the beggining i have that same problem so i convert the tactics to classic style( the old ones) you have that option in the tab of tactics.

with time you go to understand the new engine of táctics

for example: if you put a filosofy lets say rigid with more expressive creative freedom i doubt that your team plays a good game and pay attetion to the option roam from position

another thing his the match preparation if you are constantly changing the thins on your tactic the players loose all the team work, advice do like myself change in live game, if i see that 4-1-3-2 all 3 central midfielders i change the way and tactic of my team in game not before the game start

and if you are adctive like me( cuz since the last patch i play only 5 seasons) create a group shedule that macth your tactic for you 16 top players. 2 days before the game you put them on the shedule. ex: hi play a rigid filosofy with attacking style the pass is direct creative freedom more disciplind wit press more, desarming is by far more agressive marking zone and sticking to position..
tweaks closing down wole pitch all of it!!
tempo really fast!!!
time wasting that dependes on the score, sometimes i am winnig by 4 and i whant more!!
width i like my players get worm with eatch other so they play very close!!!
counter attack yes offside yes play with target stricker yes
focus passing both flanks, supply target man to the feet (that dependes on your target man but hi allways choosse to feet even if the player is a good header skill)

now for this i have the group shedule lost of more aerobic that stength more tactic, ball contral and attacking and less defending and shooting

something like this

hi can say that i have alot more shedules, for the "babies" more fisical or more tactic or more técnical dependes on their weekness and that aplys to the seniors too

sorry for my bad english, hope it helps you in some way.

another thing for all people were dont wask me to upload my tactics and shedules!!!!
find your self, discover and enjoy with greatness your victorys be a manger not the assistant manager :O :O B)
take into account how much freedom you players have. If they have a lot of freedom, your instruction are almost pointless.

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