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Poll: Fm Scout Official Podcast

Started on 26 July 2011 by _Man_u_barmy_army_
Latest Reply on 27 July 2011 by RedArmy20
  • POSTS5
  • VIEWS7345
Should Fmscout introduce a Podcast? (18 votes)
This is an idea discussed for the new wide-sweeping update of fmscout, now I noticed that other top fm forum sites also have podcasts, so I thought it might be a good idea to give it ago ourselves. So along with Red_Army20 we propose to host the podcast considering us being seasoned members of the fmscout community. Anyway there are a few options below, submit an answer below to show us if this is a decent idea or not?

If it was to be a yes vote then the podcast would include fm-related, fmscout-related, reality related, and some other things
Yes, only if it's a video podcast. Audio podcasts are boring (to me).
I agree, I wouldn't bother consuming an audio-only podcast myself. Video podcast could be video animation though, not real time video... I mean the voices should be real time, but the animation would be created to support/enhance the audio. I'm not volunteering to produce such a video though, not soon enough at least.
A video on top of the audio should not be overly difficult, but I would still if this is accepted by fmscout users to have a audio track available to download, as well as a video.

I know what you mean, as some people need the background to be fairly interesting to keep on listening.

I was thinking in some types of podcast type things they put gameplay in the background, although this could prove hard. So some form of animation is probably the right answer, although I have a few idea's so it shouldn't be a problem
i remember a while back u could do this audio to video thing. probably just need to google. u could take an audio clip and sync it with already made video or something like that. will try to look into it later.

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