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Football Manager Association

E-mail to join the online league in FM
Started on 25 April 2012 by Joe_FMA
Latest Reply on 27 April 2012 by Joe_FMA
  • POSTS7
  • VIEWS4685
Hello everyone, my name is Joe Roth.

I love FM but I do not feel there is a strong enough online community that there could be. I find myself a bit bored with the game without the challenge of human players.

I would like to start a league where anybody could join by e-mailing me at [email protected] ([email protected] was already taken). It is a first come, first serve basis as to which team you will play as.

I will provide the network details when there is a sufficient base to the league.

Highlights will be shown on every Sunday on twitch tv.

Let me know if you guys are at all interested in this as I feel there is great potential in this. If so, let me know if you have any suggestions on rules regarding the FMA.

Bayern Munich is taken by Ben.
Just one thought: Would it take away from the experience if we started with a rich team? Would it make things more interesting if we didn't start with one?
UPDATE: Managers can only select a team with a maximum finance level of "okay". Sorry Ben...plenty of teams out there though... We have at least 4 players now and looking for more. Ideally I want to start it up in the next few weeks. I'm going to set up a newsletter to the committed players for further details.

It's going to be fun!
So far QPR, Swansea, Crawley and FC copenhagen have been taken. I still have to select a team. Probably start off in the next few weeks. In meantime, download hamachi for network play. Also, if you'd like your highlights shown on Twitch TV then you'll need a youtube account.

Thanks for your patience and we welcome anyone who'd like to join!
I've realized that Liverpool is an "okay" status. I don't know about you guys but I think it would be pretty easy to play as Liverpool. I'm going to have to say that Liverpool is not a playable team.
same with Man U

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