hey, somebody can help me with this subject?
whats the best tutors out there? or maybe i'm asking the wrong question about that ..
whats the best tutors out there? or maybe i'm asking the wrong question about that ..
#55676 Amaronth : Well it depends on A LOT. It depends on position, playing style and personality.
The tutor and the student must be able to play the same role, though a left back and tutor a right back and so on.
If they have the same mind set, they will get better along, as far as i've experienced. If you mismatch them, like matching a professional and a spirited person, they will just get pissed at each other during the tutor period.
And last but not least, if you have to consider the prefeared moves that will be transferred. The tutor will "impose" how he plays on the one he is tutoring. So its a BAD idea to have a tutor that plays differently than you want, tutor one of your young stars. But if you have a player that is getting old, and you are looking for a player to take that spot, then it can be hugely effective. For instance i have Carlos Fierro on my team, and developing him to be the next Hernandez for me, he has taking tutoring both from Rooney, Hernandez and Carvani during his youth, it has helped him quite nicely along the right path.
Reading this:http://www.guidetofootballmanager.com/squad/player-development/player-tutoring might also help.
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