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How can I check a players progress in FM 2012?

I need to decide who to keep
Started on 7 October 2012 by britpol
Latest Reply on 7 October 2012 by britpol
  • POSTS4
  • VIEWS6117
Hi Everyone,

End of season and time for me to decide who stays. Is there a way that I can check each player's improvement or the opposite? I don't want to get rid of players who are improving but then I don't want to keep those who aren't.

Please be clear with your help please. Old man- new technology... just don't mix :)

thanks everyone,

If you go to the training tab on a player.. you should be able to see the "attribute development" thing. if you click on the attributes it shows the progress in the graph below
Hello, Britpol.

Throughout the season, you can go into a player's profile, to the 'attributes' page and on the top right tick the "show recent attribute changes" of player.

Also, every month your coaches tell you who are doing well in training and who aren't.

If you can't really keep a track of all of that and want to finish the season quickly, around 1st of June, you will get a similar message (like the monthly one), but telling you who has improved, and who is showing signs of decline.
Thanks guys. Very helpful.


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