Wage leaderboard
1st. Sam Magarry - TheFMBeast - £48,500
2nd. Liam Brocklesby - Liambrocklesby - £33,500
3rd. Jason Hunt - The Madridista - £31,000
4th. Lutor Tar - bigluey - £23,000
5th. Ziechael - ziechael - £20,000
6th. Danilo Santana - Toon - £19,500
7th. Tobias Danny - 9thCodebreaker - £18,750
8th. Raphaël Scott - Sonalexwild - £18,000
9th. Donat Qorrolli - Donatt - £16,500
10th. Louis Ostrowski - LJO200 - £16,250
11th. Paul Bolsens - Caelis - £15,250
12th. Gianluigi Buffon Jr. - Justice96 - £12,750
13th. Kane Brooker - Devil. - £11,500
14th. Cosmin Marian Stanila - Tellak - £11,250
15th. Glenn Tham - Glenn T - £10,000
16th. JJ Lister - JL00 - £5,750
17th. Josh Sleightholm - TCO - £5,000
18th. Joseph McHale - FMJynx - £4.500
19th. Jeff Carstensen - jeffc - £4,200
20th. Arvind Krishna - Arvind - £4,100
21st. Mark Peter Kolatowicz - MarkKolatowicz - £3,900
22nd. Joshua Bean - BeanyUnited - £3,300
23rd. Mark Mayhem - darkstallion873 - £3,000
24th. Ben Warner - Blue - £2,500
24th. Jamie King - MrJK - £2,500
24th. Dylan Herremans - Dylan - £2,500
25th. Neal Hasan - neal09 - £2,100
25th. Delroy Wilberhand - Chris - £2,100
26th. Cristian Cazan - crisrko - £2,000
27th. Jozef Ostrowski - The Special one - £1,800
28th. Lee Chatters - Lee The Bee - £1,400
29th. Derrick Porritt - MCFCDAP - £1,400
30th. Jeremy Pauker - PaukerJ - £1,300
31st. Akash Vidyasagar - Akash - £1,300
32nd. Zdenyak Zebroski - The Czech - £975
33rd. Krupesh Shah - k1rups - £700
34th. Sheldon Cooper - OnTheBallCityNCFC - £0