Updated: 11 October 2013
The ninth video reveals pre-Beta match engine footage video, including the brand new close cam.
The eighth video explains what fans of classic mode can expect in FM14.
The seventh video talks about interaction changes in FM14.
The sixth video talks about transfers and contracts in FM14.
The fifth video focuses on the tech advances made for FM14.
The fourth video focuses on improvements to the Match Day in FM14.
The third video is a five-minutes showcase at FM14's revamped news system.
The second video is the first proper look at FM14's new animated user interface.
The first video is an early preview of the improved 3D Match Engine, which is one of the major features of the upcoming game. However, keep in mind it's still a work in progress at this point and not a final product.
Discussion: Football Manager 2014 Preview Videos
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