Get it now exclusively from!
We have a brand new User Interface that makes it easier to scout and edit data in Football Manager!
Beta features include Player and Clubs scouting/editing. Everything else will be released with frequent updates until the end of November!
You can unlock editing features by purchasing a one-time license for as many computers you own that costs £3.99. This license will cover you for all future MacAssistant RT15 and Football Manager 2015 updates.
Have fun, and feel free to send your feedback!
This is pre-release software. It means that it may not work as expected, and that not all features are yet enabled. We hold no liability for any damage(s) the software may cause on your computer. Remember to ALWAYS save and backup your game before using MacAssistant RT15.
MacAssistanrt RT is in no way affiliated or supported by Sports Interactive, the developer of the Football Manager series. Football Manager, Sports Interactive and Sega are copyrights of their respective owners.
Discussion: MacAssistant RT15 now available
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