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Best regen

Show off your regen
Started on 30 November 2010 by FM_GOD
Latest Reply on 16 September 2011 by xStuManxCS
  • POSTS175
  • VIEWS238632

Well they aren't so good but for npower1 they look like stars :)I just hope my crappy training grounds wont stop them from developing in what they should be :) they are all arround 170-180 PA. Oh and the only one I payed for was Hall 110k totally worthed :D

your players are definitely great, they are young and cheap, thats what we want in a regen!!

which scouts did you use? in-game or genie's?

i think the other regens on this thread are also astonishing, but with this world's economical crisis, i almost dont have money to pay a nice dinner to my players!! so yours are like gold LUCAS3! nice job

a new season and a striking nightmare. i lost mario balotelli to real madrid in a £33.5 million deal (i was lucky to keep him as long as i had). i then lost my other 2 regen strikers who were fairly well developed to barcelona and bayern munich for about £20million a piece. this left me with a 31year old edin dzeko (who's physicals are starting to fade) and my other spearhead who i posted previously. 2 established strikers for a 4-3-3 system. i had a few other strikers in the works but they aren't good enough yet, so i was forced to dig deep into my pockets for a pair or strikers that could do something now. i had considered going 4-4-2 again but i lacked the wide players and have far too many CM/AM/DM players.

first buy was marcelo pisani. i've had my eye on him for about 3 or 4 seasons, his goal record will tell you why. first good regen i've found with high flair stats.

the next one was pure luck. he scored 3 past me in a friendly so i scouted him and the reports came back with a 4.5 star rating. pisani got a 3star rating and a 3.5star potential and a description of being a leading premiership striker. so this guy could be my long term dzeko replacement. i present to you sergey sedov. he's currently set individual focus to composure in the hope for more goals.
how do you get regens? can people private message me how please :D would love to find some in my liverpool squad
# Walsall_Craig : how do you get regens? can people private message me how please :D would love to find some in my liverpool squad

they're created by the game to make up player numbers and to replace the real players that retire. you normally get a few created as soon as you start the game, you just have to send scouts around to find them, they're usually in the 16-18 range. the longer you play the game the more there is, you'll get a load of them in your second season when you get a new influx of youth players, how good they are is luck and depends on the standards of your youth recruitment and the feeder network you have (ask board for a scouting network club for youth players)

best place to find them is africa and south america. african regens are cheap as hell, your south american ones are usually way more expensive but its where you get the sexy attacking players from. africa gives some meaty defenders and some great all round midfield players from what i've noticed. spain also has good regens but they don't usually favour moves to UK teams at a young age (perhaps if you're a team like man utd/city or one in london or pool) so i don't waste much time scouting there. i have a lot of scouts in south america and africa at all times.
there you are, one fine african youngster :)
Thanks godsgifttoearth :) i'll put my newgens up if i find any
looking at the pics of players, none of my players have there attribute numbers? can someone help me ??? so i can possibly find newgens
Finding good newgens takes a lot of time and patience. It took me 3 seasons to find a newgen worth posting on here.
can someone tell me how to get those numbers up so i know they are newgens or whatever...cos all mine does is come up with bars(and how they are improving) can i change this to the numbers ???
In 'Preferences' there is something like 'Show attributes graphically'. Untick this box and you will get the numbers up. You can tell if the player is newgen by his artificial face.
Cheers MLR :) Who you currently playing with in your season?
Edmond Assele DL/ WBL, 18 years old!

appeared in my 2nd season, and his contract wasn't protected :D

check him out people!
# iiiioooque : Edmond Assele DL/ WBL, 18 years old!

appeared in my 2nd season, and his contract wasn't protected :D

check him out people!

How can we check him out if you don't post a screenshot? ;)

People REALLY need to stop saying to check out their regen in in game..
If a player is generated in your game, this player will NOT exist in anyone else's games. This players exists in your game ONLY (not even in any other savegames on your computer, just in that single game).
Evidently, no one will be able to check him out in their own game. And, therefore, you look like a retard if you tell people to do so. Savvy? :)

(sorry for being a bit harsh :P I am somewhat tired of explaining people this over and over again)
This should just be for Newgens that people thing could be wonderkids or top players for the top leagues
# Walsall_Craig : This should just be for Newgens that people thing could be wonderkids or top players for the top leagues

It is

You are reading "Best regen".

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