My first game was Nieciecza which is a team in Polish I Liga. It is there first season in that league so I hoped for the best in that season.
Season 2010/2011 Polish I Liga.
So in first season I hoped for avoiding the relogation which means to be above 15th place out of 18 so it is possible challenge but my teams media predicions were to be 17th so I thought it was possible challenge. So no-matter what position I will get that season than it will be record becasue as I said eariler this was there first season above 3rd division.
So let's begain:
My transfer budget was:
Against teams which finished in top 4 spots:
Gornik Leczna 2-5
Piast 2-1
Odra Wodzislaw 2-2
Snadecja 1-3
Gornik Leczna 3-3
Piast 0-2
Odra Wodzislaw 1-1
Sandecja 3-2
So 8 points out of 24 so thats pretty good as for my team and I can't say that I'm very pleased but I can't also say it is bad. At least I am pleased that I manage to win 2 games.
League Table:
So as you can see my team finished 11th which is pretty good and I am very pleased with the results and I think the whole season was brilliant for team which I managed.
Discussion: Making History-Poland Season 10/11
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