littleblue, author of FM09SX, the only Mac editor for FM 2009, is working on a version that will be compatible with FM 2010 savegames.
The release date of this promising program is yet unknown, but shouldn't take too long, as littleblue said "Im not far off finishing a prototype for FM10SX... Im in the process of updating the code to be compatible with FM2010 savegames".
Here are some early screenshots of FM10SX as a sneak preview.

Discussion: Mac Editor for FM 2010 in the works
57 comments have been posted so far.
if you read closely, you'll understand I guess...
Also, here you can see all the updates (when new code is submitted, issues raised, etc.):
I REALLY hope littleblue will release it with a paypal donation function :phew
You did the right thing.
These people should learn to be enlightened.
I think it is a great thing that someone I don't even know is willing to do this great favour for me and therefore I will be just as happy if FM10SX is released in January as I would be if it would be available today.
Keep up the good work and rest assured that 99 out of 100 of us thinks the same way I do.
What does littleblue owe you and why do you think you can demand a release date or an update? Seriously, this is just a person doing a project as a hobby. It's soon xmas and perhaps there are some preparations that need to be completed.
Littleblue owes you nothing, you can not demand anything.
And like immuner says, if they are not happy they can make their own tool.
I almost wish littleblue holds the release until february to annoy these little ungrateful brats a bit more.
an update comes when there are news to post.
littleblue is a she and she will make an update when she sees fit.
instead of an estimated release date, i'll just ban your account for trying to be a smart ass.
Cheers for littleblue:beer
I can only guess based on what littleblue tells me, so if something doesn't go as guessed, well... sorry to disappoint you. if you think that you'll pull any strings by complaining about the delay of the release, you're making a fool of yourself.
littleblue is doing this for free on her spare time, she has even recruited 2 more coders to help her our, so that you get a release asap. I can feel nothing but annoyed by those comments. do me a favor, stop posting such ironic/wry comments and appreciate someone is working on this project for free.
still want an estimated release date? no you don't. keep checking the site or ask santa to release it.
There's no need for personal defence because I think, sensibility prevails.
Keep up te good work littleblue
I would like to say that I greatly appreciate this effort to bring an editor to the mac. I am a casual gamer with a new baby and I do not have all the time in the world to get my game on. Being able to get more information and in some cases adding/fixing or simply making things easier for my self while gaming makes this experience more enjoyable when I am able to play.
Being a software engineer I also understand the amount of effort being put into this project by it's creator. So you have my thanks littleblue for the effort you have and will put into this project of yours.