We could find a total of 31 new hints and tips compared to the ones from FM2010 and we're listing them here.
Beginner Level
You can now see individual coach reports for each position a player can play in. To do this go to the player's 'Coach Reports' screen and select the position from the dropdown box to the left of the coach selection.
Various statistical information such as the best passer in your team is kept on the 'Information' screen and can be seen by selecting 'View' -> 'Stats'.
At your fixtures and results screen you can opt to view specific competitions by selecting the 'Competition' dropdown and choosing the required competition.
You can view all the past goalscorers from a previous match by selecting 'Views' -> 'Goalscorers' while at your team's fixtures and results screen.
The coloured dots on your tactics pitch show you how natural the player is at playing their selected position. A bright green dot denotes that a player naturally plays that position, whereas a red dot reveals that a player cannot play that position.
It is now easy to repeat any incidents missed in a match or relive those excellent moments. Use the timebar to simply scroll backwards and forwards through the match time.
In order to submit an international squad you can select 'Confirm Squad' from either the news item that asks for the squad submission, or by the actions menu available on the squad screen itself.
Advanced Level
You can wrap up a press conference when you want, provided you have answered enough questions to satisfy the journalists who have gathered there.
You can now see how many minutes it has been since a goalkeeper last conceded on their 'Stats' screen.
To restore column sorting on the Squad and/or Tactics screens to their defaults, simply hold down the Shift button on your keyboard before clicking 'Pkd', 'Position', and then finally 'Name'.
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Beginner Level
When setting club competition bonuses, a higher bonus is likely to motivate your players more, but be careful not to stretch the finances too thinly.
You can now ask your board to relay the pitch if it has fallen into a poor state.
When answering questions in press conferences your players will be listening and may react one way or another to your answers.
If your club have not been packing out the stands, the board will consider allocating a match a 'fan day', where offers are made to allow fans into the stadium cut-price.
It is possible to go over and re-establish what has been said in a press conference by going to your personal history and selecting 'Press Conference' from the 'tree' menu in the side-bar.
Advances Level
You can check out what past club stars and favourites are doing now by selecting the 'Where Are They Now' option from the 'Best Eleven' screen.
When setting club competition bonuses, a low bonus may save the club a lot of money, but it may also upset or demoralise your players.
It is possible to build up positive or negative relationships with journalists through your interaction in press conferences. A good relationship with a journalist may result in favourable reports, but a poor one may bring criticism.
You can manually balance the funds allotted to you between the transfer and wage budgets. To do this select 'Adjust wage and transfer budgets' from the list of board requests at the board room. This is particularly useful if your board are unwilling to give you any more transfer or wage funds.
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Beginner Level
All incoming and outgoing transfer dealings can be handled within the 'Transfer Centre', which easily allows you to see all the important transfer details on one screen.
Advanced Level
You can reject or accept multiple transfer bids for the same or different players at the transfer centre. Use [%control#1] or [%shift#1] to select the desired players and select 'Accept' or 'Reject'.
You can sign a player that has played competitive matches for two different clubs in the space of a year, but he will not be eligible to play until that year has passed.
When managing a lower league club, you may be invited to an exit trials match. At this match, players released by their club will be playing to showcase their talents and hopefully pick up a new club.
When you receive news that you have successfully signed a player, you can immediately place them in the correct training schedule by selecting the 'Player Training' button at the bottom of the news report.
You can find out which players a club is prepared to loan out by browsing to their squad screen and selecting 'Loan Report' from the actions menu.
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Beginner Level
Your assistant manager will now give you up-to-the-minute feedback when in a game, providing analysis on tactics, performance, statistics and his pre-match observations.
You can get your Assistant Manager to speak to the media and handle press conferences in your place by selecting 'Manager' -> 'Team Name -> 'Settings' from the menubar and then selecting 'Responsible for attending press conferences'.
It is now possible to keep up with all the transfer gossip and rumours for each league. To find out the latest news and reports simply go to the relevant league screen and select 'Transfer Rumours' from the 'tree' menu in the side-bar.
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Advanced Level
You can change which scout closely tracks and follows the progress of any of your players out on loan by selecting 'Manager' -> 'Options' and then choosing your desired scout.
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Advanced Level
You can have more control over the way your players play by asking them to learn or unlearn preferred moves.
When asking players to learn or unlearn moves they may reject your request. Be careful of annoying players when requesting them to learn or unlearn moves as they may feel that doing so will not benefit their game.
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