I watched the rain hit the window, listened to the unrythmical rhythm of its sound as it tapped the thin layer of glass, the only thing that protected me from the soulless cold of the rain. Cars drove passed my window, each more extravagant and expensive than the last, I watched, there was no jealous edge to my stare. Crowds floated past the window, each a caricature of society. The jocks, rolled by, their faces a shroud of humour, smiles set hard as stone, unrelenting and hypnotic. The jocks marched on through, chests puffed, strutting passed my window like cockerels on hot coals. And the girls; so many girls, their eyes darting around childishly, shrieking in surprise at the splendour of the flowers or the wonder of the stars. Innocent to the core by any eye, but mine.
The phone rang behind me, its shrill tones penetrating through the soft pitter patter of the rain, offending my ears, piercing my brain like a needle that had been held over a hot flame.
"Hello?" I recognised the gruff, voice of Ian Holloway in an instant, his West Country accent amuses me to this day. It had been some years since he had called me like this.
"Ian?!" I asked, knowing the answer.
"Mr Stedman, it has been too long, too long."
"It has, so what have you done this time Holloway?"
"Nothing, yet...say what are you doing with yourself these days?" My old friend asked, I could tell he was leading somewhere...
"Not a lot." I replied, trying to hide my disappointment.
"Then I present to you an interesting career opportunity, do you want my job?"
The phone rang behind me, its shrill tones penetrating through the soft pitter patter of the rain, offending my ears, piercing my brain like a needle that had been held over a hot flame.
"Hello?" I recognised the gruff, voice of Ian Holloway in an instant, his West Country accent amuses me to this day. It had been some years since he had called me like this.
"Ian?!" I asked, knowing the answer.
"Mr Stedman, it has been too long, too long."
"It has, so what have you done this time Holloway?"
"Nothing, yet...say what are you doing with yourself these days?" My old friend asked, I could tell he was leading somewhere...
"Not a lot." I replied, trying to hide my disappointment.
"Then I present to you an interesting career opportunity, do you want my job?"