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How do you make players give a damn?

Started on 23 December 2013 by GloriousRuse
Latest Reply on 28 December 2013 by RevolutioN
  • POSTS3
  • VIEWS4426
As I continue to watch highlight after unimpressive highlight, I notice its very rare that we just get technically outplayed. But apparently my players do not give two shites about the game. Defenders will stare at loose balls in our box as if their job isn't to DIE, rather than let that ball stay there. Midfielders stare at passes coming to them (friendly and enemy) and seem to say "nah, no need to move to that, surely if i was meant to have the ball it would land precisely at my feet without the enemy ever intervening". Attackers get to the penalty box and decide there's no real reason to try to get under that cross, or tap the ball in on the line. And every single one of them will get in tackle, have the ball squirt free, and then rather than chase it down all three feet away, it would be better to let the enemy reclaim it ten to fifteen seconds later.

So, how do you counter players not caring?
After playing a few matches with the new 14.2 patch, I thought SI solved that problem but I now realize I was mistaken. Again, the game has become almost unplayable.

My players, like yours, are wandering aimlessly on the pitch, ESPECIALLY my wingers. I tell them to harass opposition with a high defensive line so the keeper will have to kick the ball - they mainstain a flat line with the midfield and and let the opposition start as they wish. I tell them to stand off opponents and drop deeper because I've noticed they wander aimlessly when out of possession, not marking anyone - nothing changes. It's like I'm playing 9 against 11. I change their roles from inside forward/winger to defensive winger - again, nothing changes.

Joining GloriousRuse with the question on how countering it because this is clearly a game breaker for me.
If the players followed every instruction then the game would be too easy. I agree that the engine is poor but SI aren't doing anything about it.

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