Malcky Mackay is fired!
It had long been coming, the only question remaining was whether he would jump or be pushed. Mackay has received his P45 and will be watching football from his sofa rather than the dug out.
Club Owner Vincent Tan has come out and stated that Mr Mackay's public behaviour has made the situation untenable. He had this to say;
"There has been a good deal of publicity generated by and about Mr Malky Mackay over the last few months.
"Indeed far too much dirty linen has been exposed to the public gaze. But, I stress, not by me. Indeed, I have deliberately not responded to this, hoping that the club can be judged on its football rather than personalised arguments about who said what to whom.
"I have, however, regretfully concluded that it is no longer fair to the Club, its players, its fans, or the public more generally, for this uncomfortable state of affairs to continue. Cardiff City Football Club means far too much to us all for it to be distracted by this."
Protests which have become a regular occurrence at cardiff are predicted to escalate.


Bookmakers are reporting an large quantity of money being spent on who will replace Mackay at the helm of cardiff city.
ole gunnar solskjaer 4/6
Sven Goren Eriksson 4/1
Yilmaz Vural 9/2
Vincent Tan 33/1
Cardiff fans are believed to be scared and crossing every finger and toe

can you blame then?