Wonderkid Central
The database has been completed and the save is loaded. I've now got screenshots of all the players ready to reveal to you!Albu Alin (AAN)

Alessandro Hermano (AlexTHFC)

Ben Dover (Pauker)

Bob Writer (TVDLC123)

Danilo Sunset (TK69)

Felipe Contran (Chris)

George Forman (AaronHJFT96)

Hakan Sukur Jr (HamoudiLFC)

Jésús Wagner (Justice)

John Smith (Hortensius)

Montgomery Sandiego Torres VII (LFC)

Nicolas Raaf (Nick)

Pircalabu George Alexandru (taurul)

Ray Peest (TCO)

Sam Ward (Inquisition)

Santa Claus (k1rups)

And I don't know about the faces, either.
Download the database if you want to use it!