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what is good 3 cm combination?

Started on 12 February 2014 by adsuperjenius
Latest Reply on 25 August 2014 by SideLineBiscuit
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I read the article from this fmscout somewhere about it.but instead 3 cm combination,I found 2 cm or dm with 1 am instead..

I am currently using 4312 formation. I confuse what role to give to my 3 AM is adv playmaker-attack. and his backup is engeanche-attack

now 3 cm I dont know what role I should give.they are radja nainggolan,michael essien, and rory delap. seems that they all physical player

according to my assistant manager,the best role is ball winner defend or box to box support

I could give box to box and ball winner role.but there are still one left. if I put to dm,they would be anchor man,I already have ball winner.put anchor man, think its made my atack isolate
any idea for this kind of lack creativity trio?
Make sure to balance the duties in the midfield regardless their position (whether it's MC or AMC)

For a defense duty, you can have a Ball Winning Midfielder or a Deep Lying Playmaker. (Pick the DLP if your players is good as a playmaker in general)

For a support/attack duty, you have a lot of options, you can choose the best roles they like or maybe create a system that you want to be played.

In a simple 4-2-3-1 I prefer my AMC to be an AP(Support duty | to support wide players and the striker), 2 MCs to be a Ball Winning Midfielder (Defend duty | helps the team to win the ball back) and a DLP (Defend duty | So he can support the attacking phase whilst doing his defending duties)

Good luck :)
ok.anyway, whenever I have central midfield, fm somewhat automatically ask one of them in defend duties,altough they bot dlp and ball winner.. do we must have defend role?

I tought dlp support is enough for cover the defence..

also, could target man work as lone striker?because I dont know how to made use of peter crouch,he only good as target man,but when facing big team, I need more midfield..
2014-02-22 17:09#162674 adsuperjenius : ok.anyway, whenever I have central midfield, fm somewhat automatically ask one of them in defend duties,altough they bot dlp and ball winner.. do we must have defend role?

I tought dlp support is enough for cover the defence..

also, could target man work as lone striker?because I dont know how to made use of peter crouch,he only good as target man,but when facing big team, I need more midfield..

It's because you probably gave the Central Midfielder an Automatic duty. That will determine your Central Midfielder's duty according to your match strategy (Attack, control, defend, contain, etc..)

However, I'm not sure about changing the duty of the DLP and BWM's duties. It might be the game trying to balance it for you.

And no the support duty of a DLP isn't enough, you need to set him to defend. If you are playing with two central midfielders, I recommend having 1 DLP on defend duty and 1 BWM on defend duty two. It's up to you to make combinations :)

And yes a Target Man can play as a lone striker IF you have a good group of players around him, especially on the wings.
2014-02-14 21:00#160608 Nero : Make sure to balance the duties in the midfield regardless their position (whether it's MC or AMC)

For a defense duty, you can have a Ball Winning Midfielder or a Deep Lying Playmaker. (Pick the DLP if your players is good as a playmaker in general)

For a support/attack duty, you have a lot of options, you can choose the best roles they like or maybe create a system that you want to be played.

In a simple 4-2-3-1 I prefer my AMC to be an AP(Support duty | to support wide players and the striker), 2 MCs to be a Ball Winning Midfielder (Defend duty | helps the team to win the ball back) and a DLP (Defend duty | So he can support the attacking phase whilst doing his defending duties)

Good luck :)

So you actually work with two playmakers? how do you know witch one is set to playmaker as that
option to chose the one you want is removed from FM14 (or is it?).

You are reading "what is good 3 cm combination?".

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