I`m sure in prvious versions that player attributes were shown when you selected a particular option in the list like free role and you could see the attributes of all the players in a column.
Have I missed an option to make these show, or were they removed?
If so I would love to see them back as I hate having to look at each players profile to check if he chould be my free role man, or if I should make him take long shots more often.
You can still do this... in the tactics section click views and you can select the option you want and it will give you the attributes for your players related to that instruction.
Hi, ty for the reply, but if you mean click view then attiributes, I don`t mean the ones for the general stuff, free kicks, corners, captains, etc.
i mean for the none specific stuff like for free role, or long shots, or forwards runs.
I`m sure you used to be able to see a players attribute in that area.
So if you clicked view and then long shots, in the list would be a column that showed all players long shot attribute.
This made making the tactics easier, so I could instantly see a players attribute in that area and change it accordingly. if it was high then make long shots often, low then none.
As it is now, I have to memorise all the players attributes or click each players profile to change that part of the tactic.
Ok, seems that in a way you were right, by selecting the all part of view attributes I got what I wanted ty!