Pochettino Optimistic Ahead of Season

Southampton Boss, Mauricio Pochettino remains confident that his Southampton side are capable of 'kicking' on from their end of last seasons impressive fourteenth position finish. Pochettino took charge of the saints after former boss and fan favourite Nigel Adkins was relieved of his duties in January, and so far has had an impressive start to life in the Premier League.
ITV reporter Jack Thompson had a few precious minutes with the young Argentinian ahead of the new 13/14 Premier League Season and he had this to say. With Pochettino still refusing to do his press meetings in English, he has gone ahead and proceeded in Spanish with the translation below:
"Estamos muy seguros de cara a la nueva temporada, tuvimos un gran final de la temporada pasada y estoy seguro de que con algunas caras nuevas que podemos montar un verdadero desafío. Estoy seguro de que incluso podríamos calificar para las competiciones contiential este temporada y espero nada menos de los chicos de aquí, la moral es alta y tenemos un gran equipo, capaz de alcanzar mis grandes ambiciones."
"We are very confident ahead of the new season, we had a great end to the last season and I'm sure with a few new faces we can mount a real challenge. I am confident that we could even qualify for the continental competitions this season and I expect nothing less from the lads here, morale is high and we have a great squad, capable of reaching my lofty ambitions."
Pochettino was also asked whether or not there was any truth in the recent rumours linking Frenchman Morgan Schneiderlin to Ligue 1 newboys Monaco.
"Mira, no me sorprende que Morgan ha sido vinculado con el Mónaco, que es un fantástico jugador con talento. Él tiene un futuro brillante por delante de él, ya sea aquí o en otro lugar. Pero en este momento en el tiempo que hemos oído nada y seguirá siendo un jugador de Southampton hasta que se presentó una oferta y que golpea nuestra valoración."
"Look, I'm not surprised that Morgan has been linked with Monaco, he is a fantastic talented player. He has a bright future ahead of him whether it be here or somewhere else. But at this moment in time we have heard nothing and he will remain a Southampton player until a bid is tabled and it hits our valuation."

Schneiderlin (above) in action in preseason against the U21's