Louis van Gaal steps down as Holland head honcho
1st July 2012

The Dutch FA has today announced the resignation of newly appointed manager Louis van Gaal. They stated that van Gaal had resigned for no apparent reason and even they were 'perplexed and confused by his actions.' We spoke to our Dutch football correspondent and Barnet player manager Edgar Davids, looking for some insight into this decision.
JS- So, Edgar. What do you think going on in the head of Louis van Gaal when he signed this shock resignation?
ED- Well, Jeff, I think he was having a bit of a panic attack really. He's been a club manager his entire life. It would be hard having to go weeks between matches. Louis is a very hands on kinda guy and I don't think the national team suited him well at all.
JS- But surely after all these months of unemployment, van Gaal would be determined to stay at Holland?
ED- Not at all, not at all. Louis is a world class manager and I don't see it being that long until he finds another world class job. He's clearly one of the best managers around and if a club wants a determined, smart manager who knows every trick in the book Louis van Gaal is their man."
JS- Thanks Edgar for your time.
ED- No worries.
With no reputable vacancies open at the moment, van Gaal will have to be patient but a high level job is surely on the horizon for this talented manager.